The Limited Times

"Jujuy is not touched": the march that rejects the intervention of Justice in that province began

3/4/2020, 10:30:11 PM

Thousands of people move from San Martin Park to Belgrano Square, where at 20 the Governor will speak.

03/04/2020 - 19:21

  • Clarí
  • Politics

"Jujuy is not touched . " That is the motto under which thousands of Jujeños with Argentine flags began to concentrate on San Martin Park on Wednesday to express their rejection of the intervention project of the Judicial Power of the province promoted by Senator Guillermo Snopek.

With flags and posters with the slogan of the march launched by the provincial government, and others praying #Jujuycontralaimpunidad and # Noalainterventionfederal, the mobilization began the road to Belgrano Square, where the Argentine National Anthem will be sung and at 20 the Governor Gerardo Morales will speak .


Now concentration in San Martín Park, starting to march to Belgrano Square. San Salvador de Jujuy. Join 👇👇

- Euge Busnelli #JusticiaEnLaMira (@meugebus) March 4, 2020

"We want to live in democracy , we want a quiet, full of peace Jujuy," said one of the protesters before the Somos Jujuy channel.

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