The Limited Times

Climate: Greta Thunberg criticizes 'alleged' EU leadership

3/4/2020, 3:42:17 PM

The environmental activist lambasted European leaders, who she says "create laws" but continue to subsidize energy f

Greta Thunberg was at the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday. The Swedish activist made a speech there criticizing European leaders. According to the girl who has become a figurehead in the fight for ecology, the latter "pretend" to be "leader" on climate change, while pursuing a policy favorable to fossil fuels.

Greta Thunberg spoke in the precincts of the European Parliament at the same time as the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, presented her draft "climate law" for the EU, intended to set in stone the carbon neutrality target in 2050.

"You have an obligation" to act

"You are here trying to create laws and policies [...] by claiming that you can be a climate leader, while continuing to build and subsidize new infrastructure for fossil fuels," he said. she said standing before the MEPs.

"We must put an end to this situation," ruled the teenager. She described the Commission's "climate" law as "capitulation", saying that it sent the signal "that real and sufficient action is underway, when in fact this is not the case".

"We are still in a crisis that has never been treated as a crisis," she said. But "you have an obligation" to act, she launched to MEPs.

From March 13, a new strike for the climate must take place in France. It will be followed the next day by a climate march.

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