The Limited Times

Fiorentina remembers Astori on the 2nd anniversary

3/4/2020, 5:42:35 PM

"The Viola family will always remember him". Fans: "Captain forever" (ANSA)

"The Viola family will always remember their captain." This is the message that the president of Fiorentina Rocco Commisso, through the official channels of the club, dedicated to Davide Astori on the day of the 2nd anniversary of his death. "On this day - continues the patron viola - we remember Davide Astori, our Captain. I have not had the good fortune to meet this boy but all those who have spoken to me about him have always had exceptional words towards him. Today my thoughts go to his family, his loved ones, his teammates, his friends, the fans and all those who cried and were moved by Davide's tragic disappearance ''.

During the day all Fiorentina, technical staff, players, managers and employees will meet together with the club chaplain, Don Massimiliano Gabbricci, at the sports center that bears the name of the defender for a ceremony in his memory. The purple supporters also mobilized and posted a banner on the gates of the Franchi stadium with the text: 04/03 / 18-04 / 03/20. Captain forever.