The Limited Times

Flawless toilet: With this home remedy you can clean the toilet in no time

3/4/2020, 3:48:58 PM

Do you use expensive chemical cleaning agents to clean your toilet? This is not necessary at all - there is a home remedy that works just as well.

Do you use expensive chemical cleaning agents to clean your toilet? This is not necessary at all - there is a home remedy that works just as well.

Would you have thought it? Washing powder is not only suitable for cleaning dirty laundry. Quite the contrary: The agent can be used in many different places in the household.

How to clean your toilet with washing powder

One example is the toilet: instead of using expensive detergents, you can simply sprinkle a little washing powder into the toilet and rub it in with a brush. This makes it easy to remove stuck deposits , such as urine scale or lime. When you have finished scrubbing, simply rinse again and the toilet shines like new again.

Washing powder is an all-rounder

Washing powder can also be used in the bathroom to clean the silicone joints. You can rub it in like the toilet and then let it dry again. You can also read another trick for brilliant white joints here.

Tip : In order not to strain the skin too much with the agent, you should always wear rubber gloves.

Video: cleaning the toilet and more - what cola can do

Now it's your turn: which home remedy is your favorite?

Find out here how you can easily protect your bathroom from mold.

Also interesting : For this reason, you should never put toilet paper on the toilet seat.

By Franziska Kaindl

Terrifying: that is how much time you spend in life on the toilet

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