The Limited Times

Front against Ferrari and FIA: teams "shocked"

3/4/2020, 10:57:35 AM

Berlin (dpa) - In Formula 1, a serious conflict broke out shortly before the season opener. The focus is on the Italian Ferrari team and the world association FIA. Led by Mercedes, seven of the ten racing teams have sharply attacked the FIA ​​in a public letter.

Berlin (dpa) - In Formula 1, a serious conflict broke out shortly before the season opener. The focus is on the Italian Ferrari team and the world association FIA. Led by Mercedes, seven of the ten racing teams have sharply attacked the FIA ​​in a public letter.

After an investigation into Ferrari's controversial so-called Power Unit, the latter agreed to a comparison and announced that the results would remain between the two parties.

"We, the signing teams, were surprised and shocked," said the joint statement from Mercedes, McLaren, Red Bull, Alpha Taurin, Renault, Racing Point and Williams. An international sports authority has the responsibility to act with the highest standards of leadership, integrity and transparency.

The teams asked the FIA ​​to disclose the results of the investigation. "We do this in the interest of the fans, the participants and the owners of Formula 1," emphasizes. They would also reserve the opportunity to take legal action within the FIA's designated procedure. In the past season there have been repeated voices that Ferrari could break the rules of its engine. The first race of the new season starts on March 15th in Melbourne.

FIA announcement