The Limited Times

Meloni, a Conte Fdi economic proposals

3/4/2020, 7:06:11 PM

Parental leave and the monthly contribution of 500 euros to families who "have children under the age of 14 and who are in families in which all adults are employed, therefore with no one who can take care of them, excluding grandparents", It is the proposal ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 4 - Parental leave and the female contribution of 500 euros to families who "have children under the age of 14 and who are in families in which all adults are employed, therefore with no one who can take care of them, at the nettodei grandparents ", It is Fdi's proposal in support of the families forced to keep the glyphs at home for the closure of schools.
GIorgia Meloni said so by announcing that her party's proposals on economic matters had been sent to Prime Minister COnted. Regarding aid to companies, he specified: "The sense is that it must be very easy for companies that want to hire people to replace workers on parental leave, to be able to do it for short periods, for example with ivoucher. Therefore, it must be very easy to hire for a short period and it must be deducted. "