The Limited Times

Nocturnal attacks at two locations in Syria | Israel today

3/4/2020, 11:51:23 PM

the Middle East

Syrian News Agency reported that air defense systems were operating in Homs area near Quneitra • Syrian army blamed Israel on at least one of the attacks

  • Assault in Syria // Archive photo: AFP

Syrian news agency Sana reported Thursday (Thursday) the operation of the air defense systems in two locations - for the first time in the center of the state in the Homs area, and minutes later in the Conitra area as well. The Syrian army later issued a statement that Israeli fighter jets flying over Lebanon attacked bases in the Homs area.

Some of the Arab media attributed the attack to Israel. According to reports in Lebanon, these are missiles that destroyed targets in Homs. At the same time, another report claimed that the target was a missile delivery intended to reach Syria from Hezbollah in Lebanon. Among the line of targets reportedly attacked are bases of the Assad regime - including al-Daba Airport. On this basis, in May 2018, an attack was attributed to Israel and known to be used by Hizbullah forces in Syria.

Following this attack, the Assad regime's Sana network reported that the air defense systems were also used against missiles fired at targets in southwest Quneitra - a district in which Israel is most likely to attack recently. They even directly accused Israel of claiming that the attack on Homs and Quneitra was carried out simultaneously from planes over the Lebanese sky and the Golan Heights.

Homs is not the most common district for Israeli attacks because of its relative proximity to the Russian naval base in Tartus, as well as to the Russian "warm" air base in Latvia, which is also not far away. However, pro-Iranian militias are known to operate in all Syrian provinces - especially since the beginning of the escalation between the Assad regime and Turkey. Also, the T-4 airport is there. Still, Israel often attacks in the areas of Kunitra and Damascus, according to foreign reports.