The Limited Times

Praise of Jerusalem: The eastern elephant is alive and kicking

3/4/2020, 10:54:11 PM

Dr. Uri Cohen

We have always been the "ethnic demon." The eastern demon in the bottle, who runs away during unsuitable hours and needs to be obeyed and restored to his hidden place, will not be seen and affected. Today, as the results of the last election become clearer, it is found that the eastern elephant once again introduced itself in the center of the room, and it is alive and kicking. He is the one without whom stable government will not be established in Israel.

Since 2008, Prof. Nissim Leon and I have argued in articles and a joint book that the Likud's most important contribution to Israeli society is the establishment of the Middle East in Israel. The Likud created a revolution that reshaped Israeli society by eliminating the state of "overlapping rift" between class and ethnic origin, which it created and encouraged from Sapir and Eshkol, Golda and Rabin's Mapai. Instead, the Likud created "cross rifts", where the level of solidarity in the company was strengthened. Thanks to more and more of the eastern population reaching the middle class and even higher places.

Moreover, anyone who looks up to the leadership of our society must reach agreements with the Middle Eastern class that is in Netanya and Hadera, Gan Yavne and Ashdod. It is not possible to form a government in Israel without the consent of this group, due to its numerical size and economic and social strength. In fact, this group of Mizrahim, undergoing rapid social mobility processes, has been the backbone of Likud hegemony since 1977 until today.

On the other hand, the attitude toward Mizrahim in the Gantz Torch Party ranged from disregard to alienation. In "White on White", he did not notice at all that Mizrahim were a living being, something that took place and acted and regarded itself as having clear boundaries, and sought to lead its own cultural and economic interests. This Mizrahi group has a similar experience that grew from the passageways, through the recession and famine of those years until the 1977. The Mizrahi people found themselves in a destiny of themselves and other groups with different interests. This is exactly what Gantz-Torch wanted to erase through the "statehood", which in their mouths became a fake, one whose purpose was to sweep the eastern part of the carpet, just like Ehud Barak's "forgiveness" speech.

Mizrahim in this election led a clear collective political expression. A community identity that does not deny nationalism, traditionalism, and at the same time a neoliberal discourse striving for rapid economic mobility. The Gantz Torch Party sought to bypass the Middle East, took on three generals and came to market itself as "state". There is a future that has led Torch to feel that the leader does not have the right security capability to meet Israel's challenges, so the three generals were required. It was the fulfillment of Triple's torch dream. However, Ehud Barak has already taught us the signals and exemplars that a successful general is not a prime minister or politician. In the political arena, the rules are completely different from those required for running divisions and successful military operations.

The Gantz Torch Party subordinated itself, without any criticism, in any way to the State Attorney's Office, from which Advocate Liora Galt-Berkowitz emerged who tried to deflect the government. In those distant days, when Elyakim Elyakin Rubinstein wanted to go down to investigate the truth and Barber Leaking, he did so quickly and efficiently. Today, Avichai Mandelblit defends leaks against their public and legal accusations for their violations of the law on a rough foot. In the same breath, Mandelblit seeks the public's confidence in the prosecutor's office and her work.

In the current vote for the Knesset led by the Likud, a clear and unequivocal statement was made: The Knesset must enact what is necessary to stop the legal proceedings against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu until his term of office. Netanyahu must now focus on implementing Trump's century plan, centering on the annexation of the Valley of Israel, to promote massive construction that will create a continuum between the Hebrew University and the campus

Mount Scopus Ma'ale Adumim is continuing to strengthen ties with moderate Arab countries and to persist in blocking the Iranian threat.

By the way, if Gantz Torch wants another election round, Wednesday, we would be happy to challenge.

Dr. Uri Cohen is a senior lecturer in the School of Education at Tel Aviv University

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