The Limited Times

Salvini, government incapable of emergency

3/4/2020, 6:57:29 PM

"This government is unable to handle normality, let alone the emergency" of the coronavirus. Matteo Salvini says so in a long interview with El Pais. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 4 - "This government is unable to digest normalcy, let alone the emergency" of the coronavirus.
Matteo Salvini says so in a long interview with El Pais. On a possible government of unity or emergency "we said that we are available with ideas and plans, but not to form a government with the Democratic Party or with the 5-star Movement. Our votes are available if there are useful proposals for the country, but not to get back together to Giuseppe Conte. The sooner he leaves, the better. "
So, Salvini concludes: "If this government falls, as is foreseeable, the only way is the vote".