The Limited Times

You have no right to preach on "deserters" | Israel today

3/4/2020, 10:54:23 PM


The lump in ridicule known as the "immunity bloc" turns out to be the most moral thing that has been in politics for years • The left bloc, on the other hand, acts as a collection that unravels like a cheap garment.

There are some things that are so obviously morally and practically unnecessary to write about. And there are things that are so morally and practically distinct - that a whole industry of publicist and feverish screaming is in their heads, and for a simple reason: they are probably practical and moral. Of course, this refers to the waning panic that scares the left-center bloc, and mobilizes its best rhetorical cannons to prevent a psychological attack against ruminants in the possibility of crossing the lines and completing the mandates necessary to establish a Likud-led government.

MK Meirav Cohen from White Blue: I refused a proposal to defect to Likud

On his face, rightly so. Ideological defection can be seen as a betrayal. But in the specific context of the grueling election rounds, the attempt to threaten Sheaming with "deserters" is an insult to politics and morality.

What exactly is the political enterprise based on, urgently, bringing the center-left bloc to a state where it is capable, and also with political auxiliaries and legal aid, to dream of replacing the national camp government - if not a distinct group of ideological defectors? It is simply amazing to read the boldness that now comes in the format of press release and networking injunctions by the ministry - knowing full well that without right-to-left movement - there was no feasibility for the "bloc" scenario to approach the current situation.

A joke with a short memory

If the test is moral - because everyone now warns of "infidelity" - then forgive me, but you see the underwear. In fact, you were rebuilt, rebuilt, renovated and elevated to the center-left bloc, thanks to a barracks bureau that you opened at home. Now you remember that defection has no moral validity? What rebellion could the Israeli left have had it not been for a member, knowingly and in agreement, for organized groups of defectors?

More on:

• Levi-Abaxis, Yankelevich or Stern: Who are the possible defectors?

• "There are already contacts with MKs from the other side"

• "Contact me from the Likud and offer me a spit"

The joke doesn't stop at that. The best minds in the peace camp have for the last day their natural and historical right to be included in the same political bloc with Avigdor ("Arabs are a fifth brother") Lieberman and Boogie ("Peace Now are a virus") Ya'alon. Not only do they no longer deny that this is the "anti-Netanyahu" bloc, rationalizing the prioritization of personal politics over ideology. The orders of magnitude of self-deception and methodical cheating are unimaginable: it was once immoral to betray ideology; From yesterday it was a moral crime to betray the right to betray the principles.

Now that it has been agreed with a wave of ideology that it is permissible to give up on ideology, democracy is being relinquished. The madness has come down to disruptive proposals for retroactive personal legislation or even the establishment of a technocrats government - provided the long-term goal is achieved. And from the side alley to which the ideology was dragged, after going down with the principles of the road - they explain that there is more moral validity to cooperate with Lieberman, than with the Likud and Shas.

A solid block in front of a disassembled assembly

Basically, the thing is simple: if you have more seats - set up a government. Stop hiding behind Ayman Oda's court and apron. Be fair with yourself, with your voters, and with the partners with whom you approach the political battle. If you are a bloke - act as a bloke, boldly and openly.

But you don't. And the reason why you are not a bloke, and that you cannot fulfill your 62 mandates, is not related to Netanyahu's indictments or the "toxic atmosphere" created here following the election. The reason you can't harmonize and replace Netanyahu with the natural way, through an alternate majority government, is that your project is based on massive defection and sharp ideological polarization - and it unraveled in the moment like a cheap garment.

The right-wing ultra-Orthodox bloc, which you derisively call "the immunity bloc," is becoming the most authentic, clean and virtuous thing in Israeli politics in years. It is conceptually coherent, it is based on basic consensus with regard to national goals, and most importantly - it works in harmony with the fulfillment of its goals. With one fact it is also impossible to argue: His leading ideas have a clear priority in Israeli public opinion.

One can discuss the extent to which tactical attachment to it at present, for the purpose of stabilizing the political system at this political moment, is moral or not. But for one thing, there is no arguing: it is dozens of moral counters from denigrating the political system within a political venture, whose stated ethos is a massive betrayal of principles and ideology. This is for the sake of removing the man whose leadership and ways are more legitimized in the only test that democracy takes: the election of the people.