The Limited Times

Zenga restarts from Cagliari. "I bring enthusiasm and madness"

3/4/2020, 8:42:11 PM

Giulini: "Sorry for Maran, but we had been laughing for three months" (ANSA)

Spider-Man returns to a Serie A bench with the same confidence he had when he was one of the best goalkeepers in the world. Cagliari called Walter Zenga to go up the ugly slope of the
the last three months, those that led to the release of Rolando Maran.

"I found a good team - said Zenga after the first training at Asseminello - I will try to convey enthusiasm to the team, because I am optimistic, I always see the good in the future. I have two weeks of work ahead to evaluate the situation. I, when I go I put my helmet on the bench. I came because I think it is a team with a great history and that represents an entire region: I set out to bring enthusiasm and madness. Defeats can be there, but you have to sweat the shirt. " .

"The first thing I did - said Zenga, flanked by the president Tommaso Giulini in the Sardinia Arena press room - is to call Maran: I gave him my solidarity, it seemed correct".

The president has spared no criticism from the team: "Sorry to exonerate a coach, but in the last few days I have seen very little. The bitterness is great: it concerns me, the team, the coach, everyone. We have been laughing for three months: there are have been wrong attitudes on and off the pitch. I'm sure Walter is the best choice ever. "