The Limited Times

César à Polanski: Frédéric Beigbeder judges Florence Foresti "disgusting"

3/5/2020, 3:07:33 PM

The writer reacted very strongly on Europe 1 to the Cesar ceremony. He considers that a "pack of hyenas" attacked the filmmaker, who, for Swiss justice, he recalls, has "served his sentence".

"This column is only yours," said journalist Matthieu Noël, after hearing Frédéric Beigbeder's post on Europe 1 this Thursday. This is to say that the remarks made by the writer about the attitude of Florence Foresti and Adèle Haenel during the ceremony of the Caesars with regard to Roman Polanski will make leap forward the feminist leagues.

To read also: Despite the controversies the "J'accuse" of Polanski has a success of esteem abroad

Frédéric Beigbeder wanted to comment on the controversy. According to him, Florence Foresti and those who went on stage - among them, you can guess, Aïssa Maïga - looked like "a pack of free-wheeling hyenas" . And the novelist, who signed at the beginning of the year a work on the laughter dictatorship is annoyed that a ceremony normally dedicated to the cinema has turned into a succession of "not funny sketches" .

"Florence Foresti knows nothing about cinema"

With regard to the mistress of ceremonies, her words are sour. "Florence Foresti, who made herself known by making costume imitations at Laurent Ruquier, takes herself for a great intellectual who gives her opinion on good and evil" . The writer did not support that the multiple allusions to the Polanski affair were formulated by someone "who knows nothing about cinema or criminal law" .

Frédéric Beigbeder recalls that "the Swiss Federal Court has ruled that Roman Polanski has served his sentence" . The author refers to the request for extradition formulated by the United States and refused by Switzerland in 2010. The American justice had not sent a report which aimed to know if, as explained the Minister of Swiss justice, "the 42 days that Roman Polanski had spent in the psychiatric division of a Californian prison covered the entire prison sentence he had to execute" . Switzerland had thus given full freedom to the director.

"Are Adèle Haenel and Florence Foresti more competent than Swiss justice?" , asks the author of 99 Francs. Her anger against the mistress of ceremony does not diminish: “Florence Foresti says she is disgusted; she is sickening. Well-thinking is intolerance, ”he says. Before positioning ourselves, in passing, on the question of the separation of man and work: "Great art is located beyond good and evil" .

Similarities between Polanski and Dreyfus

Frédéric Beigbeder goes even further and compares the Polanski affair to the Dreyfus affair. “By reducing J'accuse to the criminal record of its director, Florence Foresti does not even realize that she is reproducing the injustice of the Dreyfus affair. She condemns fifty years after the facts and considers that new, prescribed and unproven charges are enough to try a man without a lawyer . A comparison that had been mentioned before the release of the film but that Roman Polanski had denied.

Frédéric Beigbeder joined the voices of those who, like Patrick Chesnais or Lambert Wilson, judged the Caesars pathetic. The interpreter of De Gaulle regretted "an abominable public lynching" . A position that earned her to be whistled and booed by feminist activists Thursday morning in Lille. Frédéric Beigbeder is aware that his last post will earn him this kind of reaction, if not worse. This morning, on Europe 1, he quietly assumed: "I know that my head is going to be priced."

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