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Corona Talk at Maybrit Illner - expert bursts his neck: "Virus will wipe out all discussions if ..."

3/5/2020, 9:37:15 PM

Again, the corona virus topic is with Maybrit Illner on ZDF. An expert breaks the thread of patience in the talk.

Again, the corona virus topic is with Maybrit Illner on ZDF. An expert breaks the thread of patience in the talk.

  • "We are at the beginning of an epidemic, " warns Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) .
  • " Information and transparency are the best remedy for fear," says Maybrit Illner .
  • For the second time, their ZDF talk is about the corona virus .

Berlin - The corona virus is no longer just a problem in China or northern Italy - but with more than 30 infected people in Germany too. Disinfectants are becoming scarce in some drugstores, cans are extremely popular and carnival celebrations are being canceled.

Right? "Corona virus without borders - how well is Germany prepared?" Was the title of the current Maybrit-Illner talk on ZDF - in which Germany's best-known virologist lost patience after half an hour.

Jens Spahn (CDU) at Illner (ZDF) on corona virus: Germany "well prepared"

At the very beginning, Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) was brought in, who said that Germany was "well prepared to plan for the coronavirus *". When it comes to medical protective equipment, you have to be prepared for scarcity - not only here, but worldwide.

. @ jensspahn: The challenge is that all countries around the world are looking for protective equipment, ordering it and buying each other away. We have to be prepared for a shortage. #CoronaVirusUpdates #Coronavirus # Covid19 #illner

- maybrit illner (@maybritillner) February 28, 2020

Which doesn't sound like good preparation for the doctor Johannes Wimmer, who took part in a corona virus talk Illners on ZDF four weeks ago. With the motto "Everyone thought we were safe - but that's not the case", he goes on this show.

Video: Coronavirus - The way to Germany

Corona virus test co-developer at Illner (ZDF): "Very steep learning curve"

As expected, the group of six experts discussed the coronavirus infection risk *, possible staff shortages in clinics and the tactics used to deal with the infection. Christian Drosten , Director of Virology at the Charité Berlin, received a lot of speaking time in this program. Among other things, he discovered the Sars virus and helped develop the coronavirus test .

The corona virus cases in Munich * had a "very steep learning curve", he said. Illner asked: "Is it now a matter of saving time - and what for?" Drosten relies on getting into the warm months because UV radiation, dry weather and outdoor exercise reduce the frequency of infections. "We have to gain time in equalizing a possible wave of infections."

Virologist raises voice at Maybrit Illner (ZDF): "And I can tell you ..."

In the following sentences, his voice suddenly sounded very irritable: “I have to say honestly, this discussion that I heard here makes me quieter and quieter. I can't say anything more. This is really completely wrong. It is a search for problems where there are none. And I can tell you, this virus will wipe out any discussion if it turns out the way pandemic influenza would. ”

Drosten continued with his anger speech: “Perhaps this is partly due to the shortening in all of our discussions in today's society. It is utter nonsense to ask whether Germany is prepared. The question is, what does Germany want to be prepared for? ”Drosten estimates that 60 to 70 percent of the German population could have experience with Corona.

ZDF talk on coronavirus: Virologist apparently embarrasses Illner briefly

However, one knows “not at all” at what speed the virus will spread, whether in a few weeks or within two years. "And any excited debates, we can now really classify them under the term 'waste of energy'," said Drosten, who was interrupted at this point by the applause of the studio guests.

Maybrit Illner made a mistake here. "Of course you don't just want to get information, you also want to react," she said, interrupted by Drosten: "And you also want to get upset in Germany." No one in the group disagrees.

Coronvirus talk on ZDF: "Dress warmly, it will be uncomfortable"

A vaccine * may not be approved until summer 2021, explains Drosten. But: Germany has "extremely good health structures". Wimmer agreed with him: "We are a country with many resources, we have the right mentality with people, it is tackled together". Even if he insists that one should have said "a little earlier": "Dress up warmly, it will be uncomfortable." How uncomfortable you have to look now.

At the end of the program, Drosten had visibly calmed down again and referred to the public health service, which was "branched into the municipalities" and knew the situation on site best.

The virus continues to spread. The Heinsberg district is particularly hard hit in Germany. Most infected people are here.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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