The Limited Times

Greece, 21 infected by bus from Israel

3/5/2020, 4:49:15 PM

Athens announces 21 new cases of Coronavirus, of passengers who were all on the same bus from Israel. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ATHENS / TEL AVIV, MARCH 5 - Athens announces 21 new cases of Coronavirus, of passengers who were inside the same bus from Israel.
The Israeli Ministry of Health confirmed that it had learned that some members of a group of Greek tourists visited Israel between 19 and 27 February and found that they were positive for coronavirus once they returned to their homeland. The ministry added that those tourists also visited the Palestinian territories. According to Palestinian fontistampa, they would also have passed through Bethlehem, where a health emergency was proclaimed today. Israel and the Palestinian National Authority - the ministry pointed out - are exchanging information to reconstruct in the mini-details all the movements of that group that will be known in the coming hours of Sarannoresi to establish who - having met her - must now enter quarantine.