The Limited Times

Helphone: "The league will be played even without an audience" Israel today

3/5/2020, 2:55:27 PM

After deciding to postpone the opening round of the top playoffs, the chairman prepares to meet Israeli football guidelines

After the league manager's decision to postpone the playoffs in the top playoffs, the chairman prepares to step up the guidelines: "If there is an escalation in the Corona act accordingly, if there is a directive to reduce the crowd or play without a crowd, the league will continue anyway."

  • Get together with the Premier League teams this morning

The Corona virus that has hit the world sports routine in recent weeks has also started to affect the State of Israel. Today it was decided to postpone the opening playoff cycle.

The board of directors of the football leagues together with the leaders of the Premier League rallies this morning to discuss the Health Ministry's restrictions that do not allow more than 5,000 people to meet and to allow teams to prepare for home games, it was decided to postpone the cycle that was scheduled to begin on Saturday.

Erez Callon, chairman of the football leagues manager, responded to the decision: "There has been a very complex discussion that has very serious financial implications for the Premier League teams. Last night, we approved the Ministry of Health's decision to limit the number of viewers to 5,000. We sat down with the team leaders to try to continue the routine and to end the season as we pre-arranged. We wanted to allow teams to organize and understand how filtering is done and reducing the number of fans. We made an interim decision of just one week to get organized in front of the fans. It's very difficult. The principal will assist the teams so that, starting next week, they will be able to keep as much sport as possible. "

He added: "If there is an escalation in the Corona action we will act accordingly. If there is a directive to reduce the crowd or play without a crowd, the league will continue to be worn without a crowd. We have already talked about it today. There is a possibility of a fan claim and I hope we will not. With the judiciary. "

Alona Barkat, this morning at the league administration's emergency meeting. Resisting the rejection

Disappointed by the decision was the owner of Hapoel Beer Sheva, Alona Barkat, who said after the meeting: "Working factories, the army continues to work as usual. It was important for me to continue the football routine but I understand that the Ministry of Health instructions must be obeyed."

Barkat also said: "I am glad that only the week is rejected because the groups wanted to organize and the teaching to host only up to 5000 requires organizing from the groups that host. I thought it was important to get back to the routine as soon as possible. I understand the decision and respect it and follow it. The most important thing. We will, of course, do what we can. "

Sharon Tamam, CEO of Maccabi Tel Aviv, who was in favor of the postponement, said after the discussion: "There was a complex discussion because each team thinks a different thing. The decision was the right decision. This week we will work so that as many fans can participate in the games. We have a responsibility for fans like "We have a responsibility for the unification and the whole game and we tried to make the maximum. I don't know exactly how it will work, but we are subject to the decisions of the Ministry of Health and the Police and I don't know exactly how much audience we can bring in. We will do the maximum for our audience."

Last night's fan report was in the derby, which led to dozens of yellow fans getting in isolation: "It was a complicated day yesterday and we were lucky to have shared information and it was easy to understand where the fan was sitting and only a limited number of fans could not reach the lots. We received the message. Just like everyone else. The fans came under some pressure but in the end they gave everyone more accurate information. "

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