The Limited Times

Nancy: mother sentenced to 16 years for killing her autistic son

3/5/2020, 7:46:21 PM

A 42-year-old woman was sentenced on Thursday to 16 years in prison by the Assize Court of Meurthe-et-Moselle for having fatally stabbed her 14-year-old autistic son in 2016 in Landres.

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The jurors went beyond the requisitions of the Advocate General, Maxime Tebaa, who had claimed twelve years against Séverine Michelin. On the other hand, the court accepted the alteration of discernment, as requested by Mr. Tebaa. " The facts (are) very serious and the accused (a) bears a large part of the responsibility in creating the harmful context in which the acts were committed, but her psychological state (a) contributed to the commission of the facts ", a indicated the Advocate General.

The accused had given her 14-year-old son medication, which he had vomited, then stabbed him six times in the chest on September 20, 2016 at the end of the day. She then attempted suicide by injuring herself with a knife and then swallowing detergents. She had spent the night next to the corpses of her son and the stabbed dog she had given him a year earlier. The mother gave the alert the next morning.

His lawyer, Gérard Kremser, had pleaded the acquittal, believing that the discernment of his client was abolished at the time of the facts. " As bizarre as it may seem, Ms. Michelin is very satisfied with this decision, she wanted to be sentenced, " he reacted, adding that his client did not intend to appeal. During the investigation, a first psychiatric expert concluded that the discernment of the forties, who was suffering from severe depression at the time of the facts, was abolished. But a second opinion carried out by two psychiatrists concluded that the discernment was simply impaired. The doctors then pointed out that she had deliberately not taken her treatment and that she had used the drugs to kill her son.

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