The Limited Times

Nine in ten people around the world have prejudices against women

3/5/2020, 10:28:15 PM

Nearly 90% of the world's population, all genders, have prejudices against women, shows a study published Wednesday by the United Nations Development Program in the run-up to International Women's Day. Men make better political or business leaders than women. Going to university is more important for a man than for a woman. Men should be given priority in the job market when there are few vacancies.

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Nine out of ten people in the world - including women - harbor at least one such prejudice, concludes the UN agency on the basis of data from 75 countries representing more than 80% of the world population. The proportion is highest in Pakistan (99.81%), ahead of Qatar (99.73%) and Nigeria (99.73%). Andorra (27.01%), Sweden (30.01%) and the Netherlands (39.75%) lead the wagon of the "good students", which France hangs on as best it can, with more '' someone on them with at least one gender bias (56%).

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) mentions, "despite decades of progress" , the existence of "invisible barriers" between men and women. "Today, the fight for gender equality requires the elimination of prejudice," said in a statement Pedro Conceiçao, a leader of the UNDP. "The efforts that have been so successful in eliminating disparities in health or education must now evolve to face much more difficult problems: the deep-rooted prejudices - both among men and women - against true equality" , supports his colleague Achim Steiner.

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The UN agency calls on governments and institutions "to use a new political approach to change these discriminatory opinions and practices" . And bring down the most chilling statistic of his report: 28% of people in the world think that it is normal for a man to beat his wife.