The Limited Times

Tax: Mef, + 1.7% revenue in 2019

3/5/2020, 3:04:50 PM

In 2019, tax revenue ascertained on the basis of the legal competence criterion amounted to 471,622 million euros (+7,847 million euros) compared to the same period of 2018 (+ 1.7%). (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 5 - In 2019, the tax and revenue revenues ascertained on the basis of the legal competence criterion amounted to € 471,622 million (+ € 7,847 million) compared to the same period of 2018 (+ 1.7%). The Mef communicates this by explaining that in the comparison between the annual revenue flows recorded in the two-year period 2018/2019, there were no homogeneities determined by one-off revenues.