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Tomato sauce from the oven: This recipe is a hit for all pasta fans

3/5/2020, 3:25:27 PM

Wonderfully thick, aromatic tomato sauce and noodles cooked to the point - you hardly need more to be happy. This recipe will take you to the pasta heaven.

Wonderfully thick, aromatic tomato sauce and noodles cooked to the point - you hardly need more to be happy. This recipe will take you to the pasta heaven.

  • A good tomato sauce needs only a few ingredients.
  • Even simple recipes can taste heavenly.
  • This is particularly delicious and simple.

The right tomato, the perfect spices and plenty of time to simmer: these are the ingredients for the best tomato sauce *. But even if you know the basics, a great recipe for really tasty tomato sauce is worth its weight in gold. Like this ...

For this tomato sauce from the oven you need aromatic tomatoes, a few spices and a roasting pan. The tomatoes are cooked in the oven and roasted a little and develop a wonderfully sweet and spicy aroma. The tomato sauce from the oven can also be stored well and is always at hand when you grab the Pastalust again.

You need these ingredients for the tomato sauce from the oven

  • 2 kg aromatic tomatoes * (e.g. beef tomatoes)
  • 6 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 0.5 bunch of basil (about a handful)
  • 2 sprigs of thyme
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • salt
  • pepper

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How to prepare the tomato sauce in the oven

  • Preheat the oven to 220 degrees top / bottom heat.
  • Halve the tomatoes and cut out the stalk *.
  • Place the tomatoes face up in a roasting pan and salt and pepper them.
  • Sprinkle the tomatoes lightly with the brown sugar .
  • Then mix in the olive oil, the pressed garlic and the roughly shredded basil leaves and add the herb sprigs.
  • Place the roasting pan on the middle shelf in the oven and cook the tomatoes for about an hour. Switch on the grill function for the last five to ten minutes to tickle even more roasted aromas from the tomatoes.
  • Remove the herbs and puree the tomatoes with the resulting brew.
  • Also delicious: Quick in the oven - meatballs in a Mediterranean way

    How to make the tomato sauce out of the oven

    With this recipe, you can quickly process many tomatoes - especially in the tomato harvest season, this is a blessing. But what if you don't need that much sauce at once? You can boil the tomato sauce out of the oven again after pureeing and pour it hot into clean mason jars. When closed directly and stored in a cool place, the tomato sauce lasts for several weeks.

    Or you can cook the tomato sauce out of the oven . To do this, pour the sauce into several glasses of the same size and place them a little bit apart in the drip pan of your oven. Pour water about two centimeters high and heat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius. As soon as the sauce in the jars begins to form regular small bubbles, which should be the case after about 30 minutes, turn off the oven and leave the jars in the closed oven for another 30 minutes. Then take them out and let them cool.

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