The Limited Times

Conspiracy hysteria accelerates around coronavirus

3/6/2020, 6:34:55 PM

DECRYPTION - The government is struggling to stem the ever-growing distrust of the population.

Each crisis, each disaster has its share of mistrust. The arrival on French soil of the new coronavirus feeds the anxiety of the population. Its lot of "fake news" too, and especially its conspiratorial hints. What if the state hides something? What if we were lied to? On a Facebook group dedicated to the disease - these have been flowering for a month and sometimes have several thousand members - a user wonders: "The government is doing nothing to protect us, perhaps it wants to make us pay this year to demonstrate and be indignant at all their shenanigans (...) They can let us die of this virus while they continue their little plans ... What are we going to do? " . On this publication, nervous, sad, outraged "reactions". Many are worried about their children. The scapegoats are the same as usual: the media - they do too much or not enough, depending on the point of view - and the government - Emmanuel

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