The Limited Times

Coronavirus: the fear of artists and how it affects their businesses

3/6/2020, 6:58:33 PM

The effect of the epidemic bounces off the red carpets and tours are canceled. Celebrities fear traveling by plane and shaking hands. The premieres are delayed.

Silvia Maestrutti

03/06/2020 - 14:58

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Markets collapse, producers begin to lose fortunes, while in Hollywood the artists retreat for fear of contagion . Fear and anxiety grow here with the same speed as the coronavirus on the planet. The appearance of the first cases in Los Angeles and New York this week raised the rod of paranoia. “I travel 250 days of the year and I am terrified , I had to cancel my personal appearances, I will not risk my life, it is not worth it, ” said Paris Hilton on Thursday, March 5 on a TV show in Los Angeles, to which there was gone to promote the documentary This is Paris , which premieres in May on YouTube.

Among the suspensions of events that have been happening, Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to cancel his Fitness Festival in Ohio. "Making money is less important than staying healthy," he said in a video. Ozzy Osbourne will not go to the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas. Mariah Carey has just suspended her show in Hawaii promising her fans that she will go in November to bring her Christmas hits.

It is estimated that 5 billion dollars will be lost by the Hollywood film industry because the public in Asia is not leaving their home and 70 thousand cinemas have closed their doors. That is why the new James Bond movie, No Time to Die , the last starring Daniel Craig , will be released only in November, instead of April as expected. And other delays are coming.

Paranoia has several faces and does not always show them. On February 26, on a plane en route to Paris, Gwyneth Paltrow shared on his Instagram a photo with a chinstrap, a little more fashionable than the one that the population devastated by a virus that also comes from China uses in his 2011 film Contagion , which is all the rage these days when people prefer to stay at home and stream . "Paranoid? Prudent? Panic? Pandemic? Propaganda? Paltrow goes to sleep with this mask on. I was already in this movie. Take care Do not shake hands, wash them frequently, ”recommended the actress.

Gwyneth Paltrow's selfie on the plane with her fashion chinstrap.

Her friend Kate Hudson also shared her selfie on another plane with another chinstrap, a fad that led the US Department of Health to tweet that please do not wear masks if they are healthy, because they do not prevent contagion and by depleting them they are preventing them to reach health workers.

Not touching the hands of others is a subject. A week ago Renee Zellweger participated in a gala at the Beverly Hilton hotel, where there was also Rita Wilson , Tom Hanks' wife. It was a benefit to a foundation that raises funds to investigate cures for cancer and Renee received the award for courage for her charitable work.

On the red carpet, his publicists and those of Rita inaugurated what is now a premise, telling journalists not to shake hands with their clients and try not to get too close . Others, who must meet with international press envoys to promote their work, first find out if journalists have traveled in recent weeks to the countries most compromised by the virus.

Renee Zellweger canceled a trip to Japan on Friday to promote the Oscar-winning movie Judy . Saoirse Ronan did the same, and instead of traveling to Tokyo with his movie Little Women, he preferred to talk about his role on Skype.

On TV shows, this week different ways of greeting were seen avoiding physical contact. George Takei of Star Trek is promoting Mr. Spock's vulcan gesture. Jason Biggs , of American Pie , entered the study of The View with alcohol gel that he put in the hands of the panelists he greeted by touching his elbow with his elbow. "Shame should give them" took the opportunity to tell Whoopi Goldberg to those who are selling the gel for $ 50, although a month ago it was 3.


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