The Limited Times

David Belliard: "Hidalgo is the ecology of small steps"

3/6/2020, 6:43:16 PM

VIDEO INTERVIEW - The candidate of environmentalists in Paris was the guest of "Talk-Le Figaro". He firmly believes in his project of "transformation" and "benevolent alternation".

It's the last straight line. The environmental candidate for mayor of Paris, David Belliard, was yesterday on the set of "Talk- Le Figaro ". Himself from the majority, he has a week left to convince, distinguishing himself from the outgoing mayor and the other candidates, almost all promising to green the capital and make ecology a priority. This is without taking into account the EELV candidate, who wants to think of ecology differently for Paris. " Faced with the climate emergency, I am not satisfied with the backward step of Rachida Dati on ecological questions, nor with the status quo of Anne Hidalgo ", he specifies. Belliard wants to " do it differently". "By not only focusing the question of ecology on the creation of cycle paths, " he says.

Unlike the latter, and in the face of climate change, its line is above all " choosing green spaces rather than concrete ". Among other flagship proposals to refresh the capital, the candidate proposes to create islands of freshness, a third wood in Bercy versus the Anne Hidalgo towers project, revive by sections the Bièvre, a tributary of the Seine, etc. The boss of environmentalists in Paris also intends to continue pedestrianization, particularly around schools. He recalls on this occasion that if the pedestrianization of the banks of the Seine is a success to the credit of the outgoing mayor, " environmentalists have fought thirty years for this transformation ".

Read also: Municipal in Paris: the duel between Anne Hidalgo and Rachida Dati settles in opinion

If the exchanges of the debate of Wednesday evening on LCI were cordial, the ecologist has a very clear opinion on his adversaries. Rachida Dati, " it's the city of the car ", Agnès Buzyn " I still haven't understood what her real project for Paris was ", as for Anne Hidalgo, " it's the ecology of small steps " What about Cédric Villani? In the center of lust, David Belliard also does not exclude a rapprochement with the free electron (ex-LREM) of this ballot: " We have a certain number of convergences, yes ", ensures the ecologist, however chilly of s '' advance on possible alliances. " We'll see after the first round, " he kicks in, ensuring that what interests him above all, it is " only transformation projects for Paris ". For the time being, he firmly believes in his “ transformation ” and “ benevolent alternation ” project for Paris.