The Limited Times

For now, France-Ireland is resistant to the coronavirus

3/6/2020, 7:01:44 PM

The French Rugby Federation published a press release this Friday to confirm the maintenance - without closed doors - of the various France-Ireland planned on March 13, 14 and 15.

The French Rugby Federation published a press release this Friday evening to confirm the continuation of the various France-Ireland matches scheduled for March 13, 14 and 15 as part of the various 6 Nations tournaments (male, female and under 20 male ). For the moment, none of the three meetings has been postponed, canceled or even scheduled in camera. Note, however, this clarification: the matches "are maintained provided that they do not lead to the mixing of populations from areas where the virus is particularly circulating."

More info to follow ...

The COVID-19 coronavirus does not call into question, to date, the good progress of the meetings of the French teams against Ireland during the last day of the Six Nations Tournament. For more details

- France Rugby (@FranceRugby) March 6, 2020

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