The Limited Times

Municipal in Paris: the temptation of an alliance between Rachida Dati and Agnès Buzyn

3/6/2020, 6:34:50 PM

In several districts, agreements are envisaged for the second round between the right and the macronists. Objective: to block the outgoing mayor Anne Hidalgo.

Officially, the question of alliances does not arise. Unofficially, the Dati and Buzyn teams are thinking about it to try to win the mayor of Paris and overthrow Anne Hidalgo. One week before the first round, the equation remains in place, especially since the socialist mayor is in the lead - with a short lead - according to our survey and can benefit from the carry of votes from his environmental allies. "Paris is well worth a mass" , likes to repeat Jean-Pierre Lecoq, favorable to the development of a minimal program to allow a political alternation. The LR candidate in the 6th arrondissement also believes that the Buzyn and Dati projects can be found on certain subjects such as cleanliness, safety or even ecology.

Read also: Municipal: LREM challenged by internal dissent

The LREM camp, for its part, wishes to build a “majority of projects” and embody a central positioning. So many convergences that will not allow us to get around an intangible reality: there is only one seat to govern Paris. "As Buzyn is a creature of Macron,

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