The Limited Times

Scheuer makes half a billion loose for the Munich giant project - and explains what is behind it

3/6/2020, 8:31:21 PM

With the car toll, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) was slowed down - the Minister of Transport is pushing the gas with his plan to drive a Bavarian mobility center - with many millions.

With the car toll, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) was slowed down - the Minister of Transport is pushing the gas with his plan to drive a Bavarian mobility center - with many millions.

Munich - Federal Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer (CSU) worked in the smallest of circles on a project for months - at a million dollar Bavarian mobility center, a future factory that is to gain a worldwide reputation. He talks about it with our newspaper for the first time.

The project bears the name: "German Center for Mobility of the Future". Based on new technological possibilities, answers should be found there "how people want to get around in the future and how goods are transported". The minister puts the total investment at 500 million euros. The money should come from the federal budget.

The project should include a research center with workshops, a practice campus and several chairs. "We want to bring mobility and digitization together," says the minister. A total of 200 experts could work on the mobility center in the future. The main focus is on the development of alternative fuels, the urban development of tomorrow and new mobility concepts. "For example, the question of which main train stations need to be upgraded so that drones and flight taxis can land," says Scheuer.

Interview with Andreas Scheuer: Giant project planned in Munich - that's the reason

What exactly are you up to?

It is about promoting the mobility of the future - with the "German Center for Mobility of the Future". We are the land of ideas and innovations. We have a lot of creative minds, incredibly good initiatives, scientists, start-ups, industry and medium-sized companies. Now we need a big hit that combines all of this with global appeal and unique in Europe. Based on new technological possibilities, the new center should find answers to how people want to get around in the future and how goods are transported.

What is the dimension of the project?

We are talking about a total volume of 500 million euros in the next few years at the German Mobility Center of the Future. We want to create the framework to rethink the mobility of the future, between science and business. This center should have great appeal - also with regard to the climate goals. In the next few years, it should be built into a lighthouse that shines beyond Germany's borders.

"It's about thinking interdisciplinary"

What do you have in mind?

We will build a research center with workshops, a practice campus and we will mainly invest in the minds of tomorrow. I can imagine that the Federal Ministry of Transport supports chairs especially in the field of artificial intelligence in the mobility sector. We want to bring mobility and digitization together. It is about thinking interdisciplinary, innovative and also across the board. Goal: climate-friendly mobility without restrictions.

Where should this center be built?

The center is to be built in the Munich metropolitan region. We will also fund some fuel research in the Straubing and Ottobrunn region, here we are talking of up to 50 million euros. We are planning a technology user center with a focus on hydrogen as well as a data center and a digital test field. I am already in contact with the Bavarian Prime Minister, after the local elections we want to sit down with the state capital to talk about suitable properties. Because I am also concerned with making the place in the state capital visible. I want the population to take part in the project.

Can you provide a few keywords about what is being researched at the center?

It is about the development of alternative fuels, about the urban development of tomorrow, about air mobility. For example, the question of which main train stations need to be upgraded so that drones and flight taxis can land. The question is how we can use hydrogen trains.

Munich's OB Reiter does not yet know the plans

Does Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter know of the plans?

No. But I assume that you will be very happy in the state capital.

Why is Munich the right place?

We have many regions in Germany, which make the future in the field of mobility concrete, also with funding from the Federal Ministry of Transport. The Munich metropolitan region is ideal. The IAA award and thus an international showcase, many existing facilities in the area of ​​mobility in and around Munich, industry, high-tech, the TUM, but also challenges in transport, challenges in pollution. The list of good reasons is long. I am sure that we in Bavaria will also experience a strong dynamic in realizing the center.

Where should half a billion euros come from?

From the federal budget.

It's that easy?

Nothing is simple. But we have good funding opportunities for alternative drives and alternative fuels from the climate programs. I discussed the issue with the Federal Minister of Finance and got his support. I am very grateful for that.

"I am restless when it comes to the mobility of the future"

Is the center a relief after the toll crisis? On Ash Wednesday they were booed by their own followers.

The one has nothing to do with the other. I am restless and restless when it comes to the mobility of the future. I do my job. In my ministry we have been developing the center of the future for months. I think this project is unique in Europe, maybe even worldwide.

How many jobs, chairs, research positions are we talking about?

I can imagine a volume of 200 experts working in the core area. But it is also clear that it should become an international platform where there will be a high fluctuation. That is the point.

When is the opening?

Now working group in the ministry, project group with the Free State of Bavaria and the city of Munich, then project advisory board for the implementation. We do not want to start with the completion in a few years, we are now moving at a really fast pace.

The federal government has not yet decided on a speed limit - new figures from the Federal Environment Agency are clear.

Andreas Scheuer proposes to have parcels delivered to the subway at night in the future. On Twitter, he received ridicule and criticism for it.

In the toll affair, Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) is under increasing pressure. Now employees in their own ministries are also rebelling.

Interview: Stefan Sessler

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