The Limited Times

Seen from elsewhere, N ° 1: Hillary's regrets, a museum among the Taliban and Greta Thunberg in the text

3/6/2020, 7:13:27 PM

EXCLUSIVE SUBSCRIBERS LETTER - The European press review, by Édouard de Mareschal.

Dear subscribers,

Hello everyone and welcome to "Seen from elsewhere". Each Saturday, I will offer you in this new meeting a demanding press review that will bring together the best of European journalism.

It will be a side step on French and foreign news, a selection of surveys, analyzes and reports from seven major daily newspapers in Europe, partners of Figaro : Die Welt in Germany, El Pais in Spain, La Repubblica in Italy, Le Soir in Belgium, La Tribune de Genève and Tages Anzeiger in Switzerland, and Gazeta Wyborcza in Poland.

By this choice of strong subjects, sometimes also offbeat, I will tell you about the world as it is, but seen from elsewhere.

Good reading,

Edouard de Mareschal

Hillary's regrets

Hillary Clinton at the Berlinale. DAVID GANNON / AFP

Punctuated by the Democratic primaries, America chronicles the big comeback of Joe Biden who becomes, after Super Tuesday, the main competitor of Bernie Sanders. All eyes are on the 2020 deadline except, it seems, that of Hillary Clinton. From Berlin, where she presented a documentary on her - long - political career, the unsuccessful candidate in the previous election against Donald Trump does not stop fueling regrets. In his interview with our colleagues from El Pais , the time is clearly not on the record. Hillary Clinton returns to the email affair, " devastating " for her campaign and presents a still intact hate for the current president; evidenced by this astonishing pike launched at the bend of a sentence: " The Russian secret services are still working indirectly for the Trump campaign ". "Fake news!" Would certainly sweep Donald Trump away.

" How dare you!" "

Greta Thunberg in Brussels, February 6. JOHN THYS / AFP

For this first issue, I dare to suggest that you read Greta Thunberg in the text. For the first time, Le Figaro opens its columns to the young Swedish woman who signs a text in keeping with the tone we know. The “climate law”, by which the European Commission wishes to limit CO2 emissions by 2050, is castigated in its objectives by the activist who lectures the European commissioners: “ As long as you do not take the situation seriously, we will summons to go home, study the facts and come back when you have done your homework, "writes the one who skips school. Lack of tact, his message has at least the merit of being direct.

A museum among the Taliban

A bas-relief of the museum. National Museum of Afghanistan

While an unlikely peace agreement could come to fruition between the United States and the Taliban, nothing is normalized in Afghanistan where the horrors reach us with the regularity of a metronome. This is why it is good to talk about this project for the National Museum of Afghanistan, undertaken by a Barcelona architectural firm. The museum should eventually contain more than 150,000 objects at the confluence of Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, Greece or China, details El Pais. Twenty years after their destruction by explosives by the Taliban, the Bâmiyân Buddhas are holding their revenge.

City of vice

If you only have to read one report this weekend, immerse yourself in that of Die Welt on "tunnel dwellers" in Las Vegas. Our German colleagues went to meet a parallel society which is organized in the depths of the city of vice, where the corridors are named after the casinos which overhang them. Some 1,000 homeless people survive in inhuman conditions. Occasionally, the Shine a Light association offers them material help in the hope of bringing them back to light.

The quote of the week

This is what really matters to me: being free and having air in the lungs. Everything else is just a bonus.

Marjane Satrapi

The Iranian author of Persepolis talks about his planetary success in the columns of our Spanish colleagues.

I would have offered you a first issue guaranteed without coronavirus, but difficult to finish without mentioning this very serious paper from the Tribune de Genève that the Swiss likely would call glottophobic; be aware that swiss german, with its guttural sounds, represents an increased risk of contamination. If you plan to go to German-speaking Switzerland, you are warned.

Let's talk about it !

For any remark, compliment or reproach (I am not likely), send me an email at

See you next week !