The Limited Times

The desperate search for a woman has paralyzed Mar de Plata

3/6/2020, 9:58:44 PM

There is no talk of anything else in the city. Claudia Repetto is 53 years old. They suspect that she was kidnapped by her former partner.

Guillermo Villarreal

03/06/2020 - 18:31

  • Clarí
  • Society

There is no talk of anything else in Mar del Plata. "Did it appear?", Consults a woman who queues to be treated in a diet center, and it is not necessary to clarify who she is talking about. Since Sunday night nothing is known about Claudia Repetto , a 53-year-old woman who is suspected of being kidnapped by her former partner. The city is shocked and every clue that arises makes us presume the worst outcome.

The last hint, a shovel . It was found by rescuers who rake the cliffs area, meter by meter, south of the city. It was between grasslands, about 20 meters from the inter-road route 11 direction Miramar. The data that the owner of the tool later offered was discouraging: he said that in December he lent that same shovel to Ricardo Rodríguez, former partner and neighbor of Repetto.

Even beaten, their relatives do not lose hope: "Claudia, we love you alive," reads a flag they hung on the front of the house she rented in the Termas Huinco neighborhood.

The man, who was now engaged in gardening changas, until a few months ago had been a gastronomic employee, was fired, received compensation and it is believed that with that money he designated a lot in the same area where the search is now centered.

Hours go by, uncertainty grows and raking intensifies. With drones, which appear at the foot of the cliffs, where the sea hits and it is not easy to reach; with gomones when the state of the sea allows it; With two groups of trained dogs, one looking for people and the other corpses, arriving from Santa Teresita, and more than one hundred agents of different security forces and rescuers, the area is explored, both the one that overlooks the sea and the one on the other side. of the route, rugged, with dense grasslands.

Claudia Repetto, 53, disappeared in Mar del Plata on Monday, March 2.

At seven o'clock on Sunday afternoon, Repetto, who is employed in a hotel and dances folklore, arrived at his home in Don Orione in 1569 with a friend, Fabian, in a van. With him he had agreed to go out to dinner that same night; Two hours later he would pick her up.

Claudia Repetto, 53, disappeared in Mar del Plata on Monday, March 2.

But none of that happened. The man received a text message from her telling him that she was tired, and that is why he did not go looking for her. Indeed, the message came out of the woman's phone, but neither her children nor the researchers believe that it was she who wrote it. "She never wrote, she always sent voice messages," said Cristian Gonzalez, her youngest son.

That morning, Rodriguez also disappeared. Before he sold a motorcycle to his son, at 15 thousand pesos, and by message he told him that the documentation had been left under a stone in the access to a resort in Punta Mogotes. Therefore, the beginning of the search for Repetto was in the natural reserve of the port, which borders that resort. But there were no positive results.

Before the discovery of the shovel, a neighbor of Punta Mogotes warned that on a mound of waste, in Croce between Gutemberg and Calabria, he had found documents in the name of Claudia Repetto. It was the card of his social work.

Prosecutor Fernando Castro, in charge of the investigation, said that images of security cameras located in different parts of the city continue to be analyzed in an attempt to reconstruct the possible route they made that early morning.

Repetto's relatives and neighbors say that Rodriguez "was obsessed" with her, that since they had broken - of those seven months ago - he was watching her. They live in bordering houses, and the children of the woman that the suspect tells us - they learned now - at some point in that relationship he had hidden a pipe in the wall to listen to their conversations.