The Limited Times

Thousands in the square with Greta in Brussels

3/6/2020, 3:49:28 PM

Demonstration through the city, many young people (ANSA)

(ANSA) - BRUSSELS, MARCH 6 - "The EU must stop using fossil fuels now". With this motto around 3,400 people, according to a count of the Brussels-Ixelles police, crossed the center of the Belgian capital, starting from the central station to get to the European district, to demonstrate together with the Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and ask for a climate policy more ambitious to the EU. "Justice for the climate, down with the business", or "We are hotter than the climate", some of the slogans shouted during the procession. In the square many young people belonging to NGOs and movements including Amnesty International, Oxfam Solidarity and Wwf. "A year's climate manifesto," said a 15-year-old militant, according to the Belgian agency. "Greta is an important figure in the movement and her presence here gives a significant weight to our demonstrations," he added.

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