The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Lombardy is a crowd in supermarkets

3/8/2020, 8:31:34 PM

In Milan with trolley and mask, staggered entrance (ANSA)

They opened at 9 and filled immediately : there are no assaults or long lines in the large supermarkets in Milan but it is evident that it is not an ordinary Sunday. 'There were a lot of people right away, it will be a long day, "explains a security officer in an Esselunga as he blocks people at the entrance by letting them enter in stages." We are a bit remote, "is the phrase he hears people say in the aisles, while outside the mimosa vendors remain with their banquets full. It is not a March 8 and not an ordinary Sunday, in fact, and the Milanese take the measures to the new decree, starting to shop. With masks or somehow covering your face, with a single trolley but filling it well and, for now, without particularly crowded situations, but it will be a long day, as supermarket workers know well.

Supermarkets stormed, since the opening, in Asti . Full parking lots and queues at the checkouts, to stock up on basic necessities in some of the most popular large-scale retail stores. At the moment, however, there are no large inflows of vehicles entering and leaving the two toll booths of Asti Est and Asti Ovest. The railway station is deserted.

From today the supermarkets in Cremona will remain closed on Sunday , as required by the decree signed overnight by the Prime Minister with the new measures to contain the coronavirus, which "entered into force from this night". The mayor Davide Galimberti wrote it in a post on Facebook to explain to citizens what the text provides. In addition to the request to avoid displacements "as early as this morning - he explained -, there is the closure on public and pre-holiday days of shopping centers, supermarkets, medium-sized sales structures and markets, the closure of bars and restaurants after 18 and in any case during opening they must all guarantee adequate distances (1 meter) between one person and the other ". "The purpose of these rules which we will discuss in more detail in the next few hours - he reiterated - are aimed at reducing social life as much as possible and therefore the expansion of the virus".

Coronavirus, queues return to supermarkets in Milan

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