The Limited Times

Good News: Open Sky for Athletes | Israel today

3/8/2020, 8:07:17 PM

The sports and health ministries have decided on conditions that will allow the continuation of league and hosting activities and selected teams from Israeli basketball abroad

Ministry of Sports and Ministry of Health have decided on a number of conditions that will allow the continuation of league activities and hosting games and teams from abroad • Teams can enter and leave Israel • Meaning: Maccabi Tel Aviv can host Basconia on Thursday

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    Alan Shaver

The Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Health have tonight (Sunday) agreed on conditions that will allow the continuation of the league's activities and hosting games and teams from abroad. In addition, Israeli athletes will not be allowed to compete in countries with the risk of being infected with Corona, but the permits will be granted subject to the agreed terms.

The decision came after a special meeting between the Ministry of Culture and Sports Director Yossi Sharabi and the Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Health, Prof. Itamar Grotto during which it was agreed that league games in all sectors of the ball can continue to exist under the restrictions of separation and separation in the stands and between the stands 4,500 people in each offering.

Regarding the accommodation of selected countries with an insulating duty for returning passengers: It is possible to host groups from these countries subject to an approved program of the relevant union that will ensure the reduction of friction and that the groups do not come into contact with the public and do not stay in the public space during their visit to Israel.

The decision regarding the basketball industry means that Maccabi Tel Aviv will be able to host Basconia on Thursday with no isolation obligation to the Spanish team, and Hapoel Jerusalem will continue to host FIFA Champions League games if it qualifies for the next stages.