The Limited Times

European Football Championship 2020 at risk due to corona virus? Host Munich makes this assessment

3/9/2020, 11:40:46 AM

The corona virus also turns football upside down. Many major events are canceled due to Covid-19 - in summer also the European Football Championship 2020 including the planned games in the Allianz Arena?

The corona virus also turns football upside down. Many major events are canceled due to Covid-19 - in summer also the European Football Championship 2020 including the planned games in the Allianz Arena?

  • The European Football Championship 2020 will take place in twelve countries between June 12 and July 12.
  • Munich is also an EM venue with the Allianz Arena.
  • But can the European Championship even take place because of the corona virus * ?

Munich - At work. In WhatsApp groups. At friends. It is the main topic, a negative one on top of that: the corona virus .

Since the outbreak of the sometimes fatal lung disease Covid-19 , numerous major events have been canceled in Europe so that the transmission path can be traced and, at best, interrupted.

Football EURO 2020 with DFB games in Munich - despite corona virus?

Now the craft fair in Munich * has to be postponed - with implications for the economy. A huge event in summer is also the pan-European soccer championship 2020 * in twelve countries (June 12 to July 12).

Munich will be one of the EM venues with the Allianz Arena *. The three preliminary round matches of the DFB team will take place in the Bavarian capital: on June 16 against world champion France, on June 20 against European champion Portugal and on June 24 against a third opponent.

The EM quarter-finals will also take place on July 3 at the Munich soccer arena , as the Allianz Arena will be called during UEFA EURO 2020.

Does the corona virus spoil the European Football Championship 2020 - also in Munich?

But: is the corona virus now also spoiling the European Championship ? Together with the huge planned public viewing with a fan zone and football village in the Olympic Park for up to 25,000 visitors?

"I would like to quote the Uefa: The games will take place from June 12th," said the sports officer of the city of Munich , Beatrix Zurek, and referred to the Uefa : "At the moment it looks as if things are going well. You are in contact with the international and local authorities, including us, and observe the development. "

Corona virus: Ex-Bayern star Philipp Lahm believes in the European Football Championship 2020

At a press conference, Zurek was asked what if things with the corona virus didn't go well instead.

"I can't tell you anything more specific about that. I have quoted the UEFA . There is no need at the moment. Things can develop and are in a state of flux, ”the sports officer continued:“ I would read coffee grounds if I wanted to explain more. ”


Ex-Bayern star and EM ambassador: Philipp Lahm.

© dpa / Matthias Balk

She looked thoughtful. The Munich EM ambassador Philipp Lahm , on the other hand, radiated more confidence at the PK for the European Football Championship 2020 . The 2014 world champion said that his anticipation was not diminished.

EM cancellation due to coronavirus? Philipp Lahm does not see DFB responsible

The former professional of FC Bayern * also noted that the sports associations were not responsible for a possible EM cancellation.

"If it comes to this, it will reach a level at which it is no longer the DFB , the DFB Euro GmbH or the Uefa that has to decide. Then it will affect the World Health Organization and the countries, ”said the 36-year-old.

No EM 2020 due to the corona virus ? It currently doesn't look like it.


While the 2020 European Football Championship is being fought, Israel coach and ex-Bayern star Andreas Herzog has to be quarantined because of the lung disease. Many fans fear that they will be infected with the corona virus when visiting the stadium. But how can you protect yourself in the arena?

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network