The Limited Times

Municipal in Paris: the Dati offensive a few days before the first round

3/9/2020, 8:04:18 PM

Monday, Gaveau room, Rachida Dati held a big meeting in Paris in the presence of many LR tenors and Nicolas Sarkozy, with a speech written according to information from Figaro by Henri Guaino, the pen of the former president.

This Monday evening, Rachida Dati held a meeting with Nicolas Sarkozy, many LR personalities and the party president Christian Jacob. "Rachida, these are the three components of a winning alchemy: his credibility as borough mayor, the quality of his project for Paris and Parisians and finally, his personality" , salutes the president of LR who sees in it "the ingredients of a victory ” in Paris. "I will tell you a simple thing: we must free Anne Hidalgo and send a real warning to the government of Emmanuel Macron," adds Hervé Morin, the president of the Centrists, supporter of the Dati candidacy.

Read also: Rachida Dati: "I am the only candidate able to turn the page on Hidalgo"

In the room, the atmosphere is cheerful, many sympathizers despite the precautionary measures taken to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Regardless, the voters insisted on hearing candidate LR. "Rachida!" , chants the room. Above all, the presence of Nicolas Sarkozy, rare in a meeting and whose name is highly applauded throughout the evening, revives the troops a little more than a week before the first round. "You imagine my emotion to come back here (the victory room in the presidential election, note) " , intervenes Nicolas Sarkozy, on stage with the candidate LR. "Tonight, we're here for Rachida Dati," continues the ex-president, microphone in hand. "She asked me to make an exception and come with you this evening. First, I asked anyone's permission to come, "he laughs as a press echo this weekend suggested that he had asked for Emmanuel Macron's agreement .

Read also: Municipal in Paris: the duel between Anne Hidalgo and Rachida Dati settles in opinion

"Rachida Dati is someone loyal (...) I have always been able to count on her" , develops Nicolas Sarkozy, microphone in hand. "Today, it's normal to give her back some of what she gave me (...) Today you can count on me" , he adds, saying his "pleasure" to see his campaign succeed, welcoming "this important moment" . “The right only has a future if it is popular. So many times the right has been mistaken in choosing this or that category. Rachida is the ability to be heard by the France of the people, by France who works, France who contributes (…) and there is something I like about her: she is courageous ” . Nicolas Sarkozy, very complimentary, salutes the "inexhaustible energy" of Rachida Dati, "and that is your Sarkozyst side! "How can I tell you my gratitude?" , develops the mayor of the 7th arrondissement, recalling in particular his appointment as Keeper of the Seals.

Henri Guaino, la plume… by Rachida Dati

As he resettles, there is another prominent personality: Henri Guaino… the pen of Nicolas Sarkozy and close friend of Rachida Dati, “the link between you, the President and me” . A presence that is not accidental. While he had not written a speech since Nicolas Sarkozy - he had notably written that of Toulon in 2008, or of Concorde and Villepinte in 2012 - he contributed according to information from Le Figaro to that of Rachida Dati. Same phrasing, same vocabulary ... there are many similarities. Between the two Sarkozysts, the proximity is real and the routes close. He is also one of the personalities, in addition to Nicolas Sarkozy, to whom the candidate pays a strong tribute, at the very beginning of her speech. "I would also like to say a few words to someone I love very much and who makes me the friendship of being there this self. It is Henri Guaino with whom I share so many things: ideas, battles but also a singular journey. We have not been spared adversity. You have always been a precious support to me. Thank you Henri for your loyalty ” , supports the candidate by greeting this cantor of the republican meritocracy.

LREM-PS, "two faces of the same sectarianism"

In this very political speech, the candidate immediately attacks the “duo” LREM-PS. "Two arrogances disputed the scene," she argues, sending back to back her two competitors Anne Hidalgo and Agnès Buzyn, both regularly booed: "on the one hand ideology, on the other emptiness (...) on the one hand, failure, on the other, incompetence ” . In the eyes of the mayor of the 7th, the two candidates are "two faces of the same sectarianism" wanting to "confiscate the fate of Paris". “Between the two, there was nothing to say, nothing to do, nothing to hope for. It would be one or the other, there was only one alternative. Jupiter drives those he wants to lose mad! ” , launches Rachida Dati amused to recall the dynamics of her campaign in recent weeks. "They weren't expecting us!" They did not see us grow up (…) We are here! (…) Always more numerous! ” .

Agnès Buzyn, “a candidate appointed to plug a hole”

At the beginning of his speech, in the gallery, Rachida Dati did not hold back his blows to criticize the choice of Agnes Buzyn to replace Benjamin Griveaux: "an official candidate as we designated under the Empire, a candidate appointed to plug a hole and who seems to wonder every day what she came to do in this galley, "she says on stage. For Rachida Dati, the candidate LREM is only "the puppet" of Emmanuel Macron. "Paris deserves a mayor who is not under the orders of anyone!" , bounces Rachida Dati who highlights her personality and her determination by punctuating her speech with many “I want” … like what Nicolas Sarkozy was doing. "We raised hope," continues the candidate, recalling the construction and the tone of the speeches of the former president written by Henri Guaino.

The Dati phenomenon: why she believes in it

As time goes by, Rachida Dati also takes the time to split - a little - the armor, returning to her journey: “I had to fight, like so many others, to be respected, to be recognized. Where, other than in Paris, could the child from the city of Liberty in Châlon-sur-Saône have become what I am? ” , she indicated in the gallery, wanting to "give back to Paris what Paris (him) gave". “Paris is not a laboratory, it is a city where people live, where families live. Why is this simple idea getting more and more lost? ” , questions candidate LR, looking back at her project and her priorities if she is elected: safety, cleanliness, quality of life, civility, "pragmatic ecology" , etc. "Paris needs a mayor who looks at the problems in the face, who dares to name them and who dares to tackle them without being afraid to shock the right-minded," said the candidate.

One week before the first round, Rachida Dati warns: "If I am chosen by Parisians, I will be a mayor who will not be under the orders of anyone, a mayor serving only Paris and Parisians," she says. calling to vote at the very first for "change" . "Those who are waiting for an inert, silent, obedient mayor, who never waves to defend Paris, must be well aware that I do not have the profile. But don't worry, they are spoiled for choice! ” , she concluded before a conquered audience.