The Limited Times

Opponents praise: FC Bayern 2 plays "most attractive football in the league"

3/9/2020, 11:34:29 AM

FC Bayern 2 rushes from victory to victory in the 3rd division. Großaspach coach Hans-Jürgen Boysen raves about his team's defeat at the U23.

FC Bayern 2 rushes from victory to victory in the 3rd division. Großaspach coach Hans-Jürgen Boysen raves about his team's defeat at the U23.

Munich - Another victory, again Arp, again without conceding a goal. FC Bayern II promoted remains the best third division team of the second half thanks to the undamaged 2-0 home win against relegation candidate Sonnenhof Großaspach. Since the winter break, six wins in seven games, four times zero. Even guest coach Hans-Jürgen Boysen admitted that “Bavaria plays the most attractive football in the league. Despite our defeat, it's fun to watch. ”

After the few gaps in the staggered defensive of the guests could not be used at the beginning, Fiete Arp broke the spell again after the change of sides. As in the previous week, when the 20-year-old striker scored the 1-0 victory in Unterhaching, his leading goal (61st) was again prepared by the young Korean Wooyeong Jeong. Just a little later, the previously substituted Sarpreet Singh made the final score with a volley from a good 16 meters (71.). Again, his team "defended attentively", Bayern coach Sebastian Hoeneß praised, "the first goal was extremely important."

FC Bayern 2 on the home straight towards relegation

Hoeneß explained that he had already hoped that the trend after the winter break could point in the right direction. However, it was of course not foreseeable that "it was going so well". Bayern impressed on Saturday with calm, patience and serenity. There is no longer any sign of the naivety of the first half of the season, even the counter-protection has been working smoothly since the beginning of the year.

And not only the 37-year-old coach will prevent a relaxation, "this league doesn't allow that anyway," emphasized Hoeneß. "It took us a bit to adapt to the league," said Christian Fruechtl, the reliable goalkeeper of Bayern amateurs: "But now we are fully there." The relegation battle is no longer an issue for the FCB youth team.