The Limited Times

Recep Tayyip Erdogan seeks European support for the Idlib crisis

3/9/2020, 10:43:35 PM

Ankara hopes to save face in the showdown which opposes it to Russia.

From our correspondent in Istanbul

The dream was quickly shattered. After a rush to the Greek border, at the invitation of Ankara, thousands of refugees find themselves trapped on the Aegean beaches and around the Edirne post. A dead end where despair mingles with anger. “It's a game of fools. After having dangled us wide open borders, Turkey condemns us to a wall. Worst. I'm not even sure I can go back to Gaziantep (South-East Turkey) where I have lived for 3 years. The authorities may not agree to re-register me. In addition, I spent all my savings to get to the border, ”said Malek, a 24-year-old Syrian refugee, who was contacted by phone in Edirne. At the end of last week, the young man started to be disillusioned after Ankara's announcement of a deployment at the border of a thousand riot police to prevent repressed migrants from returning to Turkey. Then, this weekend, the Turkish authorities

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