The Limited Times

Renaud Girard: "The crazy migratory gamble of Germany"

3/9/2020, 9:40:57 PM

CASE COMMENT - To avoid confronting Erdogan, Merkel is ready to increase European aid to Turkey, to abolish visas for Turkish citizens and to receive more European migrants on European territory for "humanitarian" reasons.

After the military humiliation suffered by his expeditionary force in Syria at the end of February 2020, the Turkish president decided to punish the European Union (EU), which was however in no way responsible for it. As he had publicly announced, Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched hundreds of thousands of young Muslims living in his home, from the Middle East or Central Asia (mainly Afghanistan), to attack the European borders. With their limited resources, Greece and Bulgaria immediately decided to secure their borders (which are also those of the EU) with Turkey.

Read also: Jean-François Colosimo: "Faced with Erdogan's aggression, how far will the naivety of Europeans go?"

On Monday, March 2, 2020 in the morning, the French president wrote a support tweet to these two EU member countries. He called on other European countries to do the same and stand up to Turkey. But, once again, Angela Merkel dropped Emmanuel Macron. The Chancellor is indeed very afraid of confronting the Turkish President. She thinks it's dangerous

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