The Limited Times

Stock market crash: "Stop the infernal machine"

3/9/2020, 10:01:29 PM

The editorial of Figaro, by Jacques-Olivier Martin.

Black Monday on the world markets. The dreaded stock market crash therefore occurred: the Paris Stock Exchange collapsed by more than 8%, that of Milan 11% and that of New York opened at -7% before being suspended for a few minutes. In a fortnight, large listed companies lost a fifth of their value, or thousands of billions of euros gone up in smoke.

Whose fault is it? The coronavirus epidemic, of course, but not only. Yesterday's fall is largely attributable to Saudi Arabia. By deciding to increase its oil production for lack of being able to reach an agreement with Putin's inflexible Russia, the oil monarchy sowed incredible panic on the oil market - the price of a barrel fell in a few hours more by 30% - and plunged the stock markets into a storm. Launching the black gold war is in fact increasing uncertainty among investors, adding a crisis to that of the Covid-19, adding fuel to a fire that is igniting the economy

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