The Limited Times

Coronavirus: from Axa Italia 500 thousand euros for Sacco di Milano

3/10/2020, 2:53:10 PM

A 500 thousand euro loan to the Luigi Sacco Hospital in Milan to deal with the emergency triggered first in Lombardy and then spread throughout the country by the Coronavirus. It is one of the different initiatives put in place by Axa Italia "in a moment of emergency such as the current one" in which "we want to be more than ever alongside the country system with concrete actions that can serve everyone and be of help to public health ", as explained by Patrick Cohen, CEO of the AXA Italia group.
Thanks to this funding, Sacco di Milano, one of the hospitals in the front line for the treatment and study of Coronavirus and reference center for Lombardy, will become the first Italian hospital with a resuscitation dedicated to infectives and will be equipped with new modulation systems of the pressure that allow the exchange of air from the rooms (with an aspiration - intake system), thus limiting the spread of the infections, and the setting up of eight new beds for patients who need isolation in controlled biological contamination environments.
This is, Axa Italia's number one explained, of "new instruments, unique in Italy for critically ill patients with Covid-19 and in the future with other infectious diseases, able to guarantee total isolation and protection of personnel medical-nursing from possible contagions ".
Furthermore, a unique surgical room will be created for the possibility of carrying out small and medium surgery on patients with highly diffusible infections, leaving them in a highly protected environment to avoid transport to other places in the hospital and minimize risks. "We hope this can really help save lives and protect those on the front lines," added the CEO.
To deal with the Coronavirus emergency, Axa Italia had already started a task force for some time "before the crisis - as explained again by Cohen - which allowed us to be active: from the first day we made numerous initiatives for both employees and our agents and also for our customers ", including medical devices to measure fever in all locations, psychological consultations for those who request them and" we have extended smart-working in advance and in advance, a system that is helping us much to guarantee operations in this difficult situation ".
For the health and protection of customers who already rely on Axa Italia, the group has also made available free initiatives, for example doubling the daily hospitalization allowance for customers affected by Covid-19, a solution that can help in a situation at risk of contagion for the whole family and "we are extending the telemedicine service" with which "it will be possible to get in touch by phone or video with dedicated doctors for a consultation on the state of health, directly from home, thus avoiding frequenting crowded places and limiting exposure to infection. "
"We are all called to a great individual and collective responsibility and we want to give the maximum possible support", concluded Cohen.

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