The Limited Times

Coronavirus puts pediatrician in a dangerous situation: "... will soon be unable to continue working"

3/10/2020, 7:55:42 PM

The coronavirus in Munich is not only a concern because of the increasing number of infections. A pediatrician is now raising the alarm - for a very special reason.

The coronavirus in Munich is not only a concern because of the increasing number of infections. A pediatrician is now raising the alarm - for a very special reason.

  • The effects of the corona virus can be felt in various ways in Munich.
  • Now a pediatrician raises the alarm - because in practice the protective clothing runs out.
  • In the interview, she talks about the precarious situation and its consequences.

Munich - Dr. med. Andrea Schimmer-Eidenschink and Dr. Gabriele Scheuerer runs a pediatrician in Leopoldstrasse in Munich . The spread of the coronavirus in Munich also has an extreme impact on her work - but not because of numerous Covid 19 infections. Rather, the doctors run out of materials because of the hysteria surrounding the virus . In the interview , Dr. med. Andrea Schimmer-Eidenschink on the situation.

What is your current situation in practice?

Andrea Schimmer-Eidenschink: Around 2,000 patients come to our pediatric practice every quarter. We are currently treating many sick children - not because of the coronavirus, but because of influenza or, for example, pneumonia. Now we are at risk of running out of consumables: We are slowly lacking mouthguards, FFP2 masks and gloves in order to continue treatment. Everything is out of print.

What exactly are FFP2 masks?

Andrea Schimmer-Eidenschink: It is the case that a normal face mask does not protect against infections such as the corona virus. The FFP2 masks offer greater protection: we use them to make smears in order to test for the corona virus. Because even if we haven't had a case in practice, we of course carry out tests for possible infections. I had already ordered the masks before the holidays, but there are delivery problems. But we also have a bottleneck when it comes to rubber gloves and other protective clothing.

What does that mean for the work in your practice?

Andrea Schimmer-Eidenschink: We still have about 200 pairs of rubber gloves. We need them for just about every treatment, including taking blood. If we run out of materials, we have to stop work. This is a really hot issue.

What do you want to do now?

Andrea Schimmer-Eidenschink: My colleague and I wrote to the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Bavaria and the Ministry of Health. I am currently also in contact with other pediatricians. The professional association of pediatricians e. V. (BVKJ) would like to comment on the situation on Wednesday. But if we run out of protective materials, we have to close the practice - probably by the end of next week. I see the responsibility of the state: are there no companies who could step in to produce materials? Otherwise we won't be able to continue working anytime soon.


Due to the corona virus, various events in Munich had to be canceled. This year's Derblecken on the Nockherberg must also be dropped.

There was also a huge rush due to the corona virus on an Aldi in Munich. A special campaign attracted an unusually large number of customers.

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