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Guesswork about Donald Trump's corona virus test - Americans lose confidence in the President

3/10/2020, 8:05:04 PM

Donald Trump dramatically underestimates the corona situation? In the United States, doubts about the US President - and his health - are growing. Exchange experts are now sounding the alarm.

Donald Trump dramatically underestimates the corona situation? In the United States, doubts about the US President - and his health - are growing. Exchange experts are now sounding the alarm.

  • Donald Trump is increasingly criticized for his handling of the coronavirus spread .
  • Stock exchange experts doubt that he correctly assesses the situation.
  • After Trump has also had contact with politicians who are now in quarantine, it is not clear whether he has already been tested on CoVid-19 .

Update at 4:06 p.m .: Donald Trump currently has to take some criticism for dealing with the corona crisis . Now the US President hands out. In a Twitter post on Tuesday, he described the Federal Reserve (Fed) as "pathetic" and accused those responsible that the institute was moving too "slowly". The central bank must lower the key interest rate to a level similar to other countries with which the United States is in economic competition, Trump said.

Our pathetic, slow moving Federal Reserve, headed by Jay Powell, who raised rates too fast and lowered too late, should get our Fed Rate down to the levels of our competitor nations. They now have as much as a two point advantage, with even bigger currency help. So, stimulate!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 10, 2020

"The Federal Reserve must be a leader, not a very late straggler as before," Trump continued on Twitter. The US Federal Reserve had already cut its key interest rate by half a percentage point last week in view of the spread of the corona virus. Trump has repeatedly attacked the US Federal Reserve in the past. It breaks the custom of respecting the independence of the central bank.

First message from March 10, 2020:

Washington / New York - Although the coronavirus * has so far not hit the USA with around 600 infected people and 26 deaths as severely as Italy * or China, for example, there is great uncertainty in the United States due to the mysterious lung disease, which is now being mistrusted the American President Donald Trump * seems to transform.

Corona virus: There is mistrust of Trump on the New York Stock Exchange

"To put it cautiously, you are not exactly optimistic that the American government will correctly assess the seriousness of the situation , let alone have it under control," reported ZDF correspondent Johannes Hano in the journal of the New York Stock Exchange today. There is extreme uncertainty there, Hano described the mood on Wall Street. " Panic, loss of control, recession - these are words that have been circulating here all day."

Trump announced "dramatic measures" against the economic consequences of the corona virus after the massive slump in the New York stock exchange on Monday. But economists and many other observers in the United States doubt whether he actually takes the virus as seriously as it should be. This is not surprising given some of the statements made by the President not so long ago. Trump recently said that you shouldn't worry, everything is fine , reports Hano. As soon as the virus came into the world, it would miraculously disappear .

Corona virus episodes are a key issue on Wall Street - traders nervous about Trump

“But you don't believe in miracles here. You look at China, you look at Europe and you see what happens there, that markets break down , chain stores are broken and you get nervous, ”said Hano about the behavior of stock traders on the New York Stock Exchange. The problem is that it is not at all clear where the whole thing will end, Hano continues. "Unlike a singular event like a tsunami." You knew what had happened, you could take action immediately. You can't do that here and that's why you're extremely nervous.

Trump has meanwhile announced that he wants to discuss with Congress members on measures against the consequences of the epidemic for the US economy on Tuesday. The talks will include, among other things, a further possible reduction in income tax . Support measures for companies affected by the corona crisis should also be discussed.

Also interesting: COVID-19 and flu in comparison - this is how the two viral diseases differ

Corona virus "hit the world out of the blue," Trump said

For Wednesday, Trump invited the heads of major US financial institutions to the White House for advice on the economic consequences of the corona virus, reports from banking circles. The virus outbreak * " hit the world out of the blue, " said the US President. So far, his government has "handled the epidemic very well," Trump said again. There is obviously a different opinion on Wall Street . And even with one of his most recent Twitter posts, Trump probably doesn't help to alleviate mistrust of his handling of the corona crisis. In his post, Trump emphasizes that the corona virus has had much less of an impact than common flu so far. Life and the economy could go on as normal, the US President wrote on Monday. But yesterday's stock market slump shows that he's not right.

So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of Corona Virus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 9, 2020

Also worrying is the fact that two US MPs who have recently had direct contact with President Donald Trump have quarantined over the corona virus. Republican parliamentarians Doug Collins and Matt Gaetz had been in close contact with a participant infected with the novel pathogen at the annual meeting of conservative activists and parliamentarians (CPAC), the two MPs said on Monday.

Coronavirus: Trump has had contact with quarantine cases - it is unclear whether he has been tested

Last Friday, Collins met Trump at the CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia , and shook his hand . Gaetz was on the road with Trump in the Air Force One presidential plane on Monday. However, whether Trump has now been tested for the virus is unclear. Vice President Mike Pence said Monday that he has no information on this. He announced information from the medical officer in the White House.

Incidentally, the coronavirus is not only causing turmoil in the American government. Government leaders in this country are also currently engaged in heated debates in the Bundestag. In addition, Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer is currently relatively severely restricted by the corona crisis. After being in contact with someone in Brussels who is now suspected of having coronavirus, he initially stays at home in Ingolstadt. Another politician even quarantined for 14 days.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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