The Limited Times

Marches in front of Congress for and against the intervention of Justice in Jujuy

3/10/2020, 10:43:24 PM

Militants and leaders of Together for Change and the Tupac Amaru concentrate in front of Parliament, where a Senate commission debates the intervention.

03/10/2020 - 19:11

  • Clarí
  • Politics

Hundreds of militants and leaders of Together for Change and the Tupac Amaru, the group that has as reference to Milagro Sala, concentrated on Tuesday in front of Congress with opposing positions against the intervention of Justice in Jujuy.

While leaders, legislators and various political groups related to Cambiemos reject the intervention; Tupac militants mobilize in favor of the project.

"This is an accompaniment to the interchange of Cambiemos, to our senators and also to the entire town of Jujuy so that the Judicial Power of Jujuy is not supported. It is unprecedented in the constitutional history of Argentina that a Judicial Power is wanted to intervene with the the only objective of freeing a person , as is the case of Milagro Sala, "said current PRO holder Patricia Bullrich.

The former Security Minister made these statements by participating in the demonstration near the Congress. "The only objective is that the causes that Milagro Sala has, some of 13 years, others of 12 years and other causes, are declared void," Bullrich insisted.

Concentration in front of Congress for the intervention of Jujuy justice. Photo: Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi.

To avoid incidents, the security forces carried out an operation aimed at separating the two groups that were mobilizing in front of the legislative palace.

"Obviously, those of Túpac Amaru have come because they believe that this law is to free Milagro Sala. That is to say that they are right as we are. But imagine the institutional gravity of a province's power being supported by the the only objective of liberating a person, "added the referent of Change.

All this happens while the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the National Senate opened this afternoon the request for intervention to the Judicial Branch of Jujuy made by the senator of the Front of All Guillermo Snopek, in a hearing in which the opposition will express its rejection of the proposal.