The Limited Times

New HIV infections and deaths in a number of countries around the world

3/10/2020, 7:34:46 PM

Capitals-SANA The Lebanese authorities announced today the registration of the first death from the Corona virus. The agency quoted home


The Lebanese authorities announced today the registration of the first death from the Corona virus.

The Lebanese National News Agency quoted a medical source as saying that the first death of a patient with coronavirus of Lebanese nationality was transferred to the hospital in a critical condition, indicating that 21 quarantine areas had left after the result of the laboratory test was negative.

The source pointed out that until now there are 23 cases in the quarantine area indicating that the total number of positive cases inside the hospital 30 cases and the status of those infected with the virus is stable except for 3 cases of critical condition and all of them receive the necessary care in the isolation unit.

To that, the Moroccan Ministry of Health announced the registration of the first death from the Corona virus, with the number of HIV cases increasing to three, and the ministry said in a statement that “the death of a 89-year-old woman from Casablanca was returning from the city of Bologna in Italy and suffering from chronic diseases related to the respiratory system, heart and arteries ”

For its part, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health announced the registration of 4 confirmed cases of the virus during the past 24 hours in Kuwait, bringing the total cases recorded to 69 cases, two of which were recovered.

In Qatar, the Ministry of Health announced in a statement on Twitter that it recorded 6 new cases of a group of expatriates, bringing the number of cases announced in the country to 24 confirmed cases.

In Britain, the health authorities announced today the sixth death of the Corona virus in a public hospital in Watford after tests confirmed his infection with the virus.

The Sultanate of Brunei also announced that tests showed that six people were injured after the country recorded its first case yesterday.

In Malaysia, the Malaysian Prime Minister's Office announced that tests showed more than 12 people were injured, bringing the total number of injured to 129.

The number of confirmed cases of the virus in the Netherlands increased to 382 after monitoring 61 new cases, in addition to the death of four patients, according to health officials in the country.

The Polish Ministry of Defense announced earlier that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Jaroslaw Mika, was confirmed to have contracted the new Corona virus after returning from Germany.

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