The Limited Times

Candidates for the City Council in the 2020 municipal election in Munich - parties and lists

3/11/2020, 12:46:37 PM

Who are the candidates for the 2020 city council election in Munich? Before the local elections, we introduce the top candidates from the numerous lists.

Who are the candidates for the 2020 city council election in Munich? Before the local elections, we introduce the top candidates from the numerous lists.

  • On March 15, 2020 , Munich will elect a new city ​​council .
  • In the 2020 municipal election in Bavaria *, there are more parties and voting groups for Munich than ever before.
  • Volt , the Munich List , ZuBa and FAIR (with Ender Beyhan-Bilgin) are there for the first time.
  • First results from Munich * will be provided by * on election evening, where you will also find all the important results for the 2020 local elections in Bavaria *.

Munich - The redistribution of mandates in the city council will be just as exciting as the race between the OB candidates in Munich *. Will there be another city hall government from the CSU and SPD? And how are the city council election candidates from the many new voter associations doing?

Before the local elections in Bavaria * * was among the top candidates from the lists and voters' associations in Munich. We will also keep you up to date with all of Bavaria * with the local election ticker.

City Council election Munich - top candidate of "mut" - Stephanie Dilba


Stephanie Dilba (mut Munich)

© Fabian Helmich

The young party "mut" sends Stephanie Dilba into the race for the OB office in Munich. She is also the top candidate for the Munich City Council. Stephanie Dilba grew up in Munich, studied here and works as an educator. "Munich is a city with a high quality of life for many - but not for everyone," she said to *. Munich is an attractive business location and therefore attracts a lot of people - but the housing market is no longer "fair": "It can and must not go on like this."

Munich has many beautiful green spaces - but the streets are increasingly congested. "Noise and exhaust gases not only dominate the city center and the Mittlerer Ring." The 43-year-old emphasized this point among other things: "Munich has always been a city for immigrants - they should be more visible. And finally, Munich should expand its pioneering role in gender equality and diversity. "

courage: candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Dilba Stephanie, educator
  • Stamm Claudia, editor
  • Art Marie-Luise, social worker
  • Seger Achim, artist
  • Apfl Eva, trainee
  • City Council election Munich - top candidate of the AfD: Iris Wassill


    Iris Wassill (AfD Munich)

    © S tudioline Munich

    Iris Wassill was born in Munich and lives here with her husband and child. The 50-year-old has worked as a lawyer for more than 22 years, including at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. From 1995 to 2011, Wassill was a member of the CSU, including from 2002 to 2008 as a member of the Ramersdorf-Perlach district committee.

    In 2013 she joined the AfD . “Politics must be based on the well-being of our citizens. That's why I support everything that serves to increase wealth and protect citizens, ”she said of her candidacy for Munich. "I will stand up for our Munich residents so that they do not have to move away because they can no longer afford Munich," said Iris Wassill to * .

    Shortly before the election, internal disputes over the list of the AfD Munich * apparently broke out.

    AfD: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Wassill Iris, corporate lawyer
  • Walbrunn Markus, scientific Employee, BA
  • Stanke Daniel, graduate industrial engineer, ea. District council
  • Reuter Andreas, office manager, graduate engineer
  • Klemp Roland, med. Documentary
  • Munich City Council Election - Top candidate on the Munich list: Dirk Höpner


    Dirk Höpner (Munich list)

    © Munich list

    The “ Munich List ” is one of the many new groups that will take part in the Munich 2020 * municipal election. Dirk Höpner is her OB candidate and top city council candidate. Born in Munich, he lives with his family in Feldmoching-Hasenbergl and runs a Munich social enterprise.

    The top topic on the Munich list: the construction stop in Munich. “Growing is generally okay, but not to the current extent and not at the expense of those in Munich who have a tight budget, from bus drivers to single parents to the normal-income family, who see rent increases above their heads. And not at the expense of our last green spaces and fresh air aisles, ”is Höpner's explanation.

    The 58-year-old sees the cause in a "failed growth and structural policy at all levels". The Munich list is now running for municipal elections because it hopes that there will be better options for action than a citizens' initiative. "We are non-partisan, our activists come from all over the city."

    Munich List: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Höpner Dirk, managing director
  • Dorsch Andreas, GIS engineer
  • Hartmann Claudia, judge
  • Melnitzki Michael, speaker
  • Farmer Maximilian, business economist, BA member
  • Video: What are the tasks of the city council and municipal council?

    Munich City Council Election - Top candidate of the Citizens' Initiative Foreigner Stop (BIA): Karl Richter


    Karl Richter (BIA Munich)

    © private

    Karl Richter , born in 1962, competes for first place on the city council list of the right-wing extremist citizens' initiative Foreign Stop (BIA) . According to the Munich Election Committee, his electoral association is not allowed to provide a candidate for OB. The historian and freelance publicist has been on the Munich City Council since 2008. "

    "As things stand, I see myself as the only authentic opposition in Munich City Hall, because a central cartel (almost) of all other parties and groups dominates the city council on key issues such as immigration, 'climate protection', gender policy or conformity with opinion," said Richter to * .

    According to the top candidate, the main focuses of the BIA's local election program are the rigorous stopping of any “welcome culture”, a sustainable cancellation of voluntary integration services by the city, but also a stopping of city grants to left-wing “denunciation networks” such as the “specialist office for democracy” or the AIDA archive.

    Citizens' Initiative Stop for Foreigners: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list positions

  • Judge Karl, historian, ea. City council
  • Meyer Heinz, business economist
  • Schiessl Manfred, graduate engineer (FH)
  • Werlberger Renate, Foreign Language Secretary
  • Horvath Franz, driver
  • City Council election Munich - top candidate from Volt: Felix Sproll


    Felix Sproll (Volt Munich)

    © Michael von Stosch

    The relatively young voter group Volt wants to move into the Munich City Council with its top candidate Felix Sproll . Born in Augsburg, the 27-year-old self-employed financial advisor lives in Munich-Sendling and is a candidate on the Volt list because "Volt is the only party that offers citizens a truly European offer". With Volt he wanted "to turn the silent, pro-European majority into one that decisively opposes the few noisy nationalists," Sproll told * .

    "We don't have any established politicians here." He himself began to work against right-wing extremism more than ten years ago. Although he never studied himself, he worked to keep higher education free of charge. Felix Sproll's most important goals in the Munich City Council would be “any kind of shared mobility” at the expense of individual car traffic. In addition, cyclists protect through the structural separation of bike path and street.

    Munich must remain an “inclusive and colorful” city, where everyone can find affordable housing. Until appropriate measures take effect, Volt will support the referendum “6 years freeze on rent”. And: "To show that Munich is a European city, I will work to ensure that we permanently decorate the town hall (and other public buildings) with the EU flag."

    Volt: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Sproll Felix, himself. Financial advisor
  • Radunz Katharina, Head of Product Management u. marketing
  • Heinrici Sven, head of department
  • Griesbacher Sophie, social economist
  • Klingenberger Jakob, student
  • Munich City Council election - top candidate of the “Together Bavaria” (ZuBa) group of voters: Neslihan Karagöl


    Neslihan Karagöl (ZuBa)

    © Neslihan Karagöl

    The new electoral group " Together Bavaria " (ZuBa) has put Neslihan Karagöl on number 1 of her list for the city council of Munich. Karagöl, born in Munich, works as an account manager and would like Munich to have a female quota of 50 percent in all managerial positions in the city administration.

    In addition, the 41-year-old would work for six additional women's shelters in self-government ("one house per year"), as well as for self-defense courses in schools for girls and young women, she said to *. Also important to Neslihan Karagöl are "equal wages for the same work", combating sexism and patriarchal structures, such as female genital mutilation, forced and child marriages and polygamous marriages.

    Together Bavaria: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Oraner Cetin, musician, ea. City Council
  • Karagöl Neslihan, sales manager
  • Bourguignon Eric, employee
  • Mpot Mimbang Marie-Jules, employee
  • Dr. Bagatzounis Athanasios, doctor
  • City Council election Munich - top candidate of The Party: Marie Burneleit


    Marie Burneleit (The Munich Party)

    © The Munich Party

    “We would like to thank all of the Munich people who support us! We promise you that none of the other parties will be able to sleep peacefully with us on the city council, ”Die Party leading candidate Marie Burneleit told * .

    The party was founded in 2004 by editors of the satirical magazine Titanic . Burneleit wants to "bring turbo politics to the city council", she promised on the occasion of her candidacy for Munich: "We will use high, low and low pressure to ensure that everyone is wide awake at work and that no more grievances are swept under the carpet . "

    The party: candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Burneleit Marie, advertising clerk
  • Werner Sabrina, social worker, BA
  • Sturmes Jerome, event manager
  • Preßler Matthias, Game Designer
  • Weixler Moritz, event technology specialist
  • City Council election Munich - top candidate of the pink list: Thomas Niederbühl


    Thomas Niederbühl (Pink List Munich)

    © Thomas Niederbuehl

    Thomas Niederbühl , born in 1961, should already know many people in Munich. In 1996 the LGBT activist moved into the Munich City Council for the first time. Together with the Greens, the Rosa Liste forms a fraction in the Munich City Council. For 18 years, the Rosa Liste formed the government coalition in the town hall together with the SPD and Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen.

    Niederbühl said about * that he wanted to work for a “solidary city society”. "Of course, this includes an active gender equality policy, so that lesbian, gay, trans * and inter * people can live independently and without discrimination anytime and anywhere." The candidate wants to achieve this goal, among other things, with a "realistic education and family policy, in which also Finding LGBTI * young people and rainbow families ", by promoting queer cultural projects and" better archiving, processing and presenting the LGBTI * history as part of Munich's city history. "

    Pink list: candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Niederbühl Thomas, theologian, ea. City councilor
  • Klose Andreas, credit analyst, BA chairman
  • Scheel Wolfgang, theologian
  • Behrendt Michael, graphic designer
  • Hölczl Marion, recovery companion
  • Munich City Council election - top candidate from Die Linke: Stefan Jagel


    Stefan Jagel (Die Linke Munich)

    © Dominik Parzinger

    36-year-old nurse Stefan Jagel is number one on Die Linke München's list. "In my work, I experience every day how public health care is broken for competitiveness in Munich - at the expense of employees and patients," wrote Jagel to * . That is why he wants to campaign as a candidate for the city council election in Munich for needs-based access to outpatient and inpatient medical services close to where he lives. He particularly wants to counteract the lack of pediatricians in the east of Munich or the lack of primary care in the north of Munich. In addition, better working conditions are needed in nursing, especially in urban clinics.

    The tense rental market is also a concern for top candidate Jagel: "For me, it is crucial that no more urban land can be sold, but that it is only granted under ground leases, particularly to GWG and Gewofag and cooperatives." He mentions Vienna as a role model for social housing. People in Munich who are at risk of poverty should receive “a free, free, basic quota without barriers, protection against layoffs and guaranteed access to existential and cultural offers” from the city.

    The left: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the front list places

  • Jagel Stefan, nurse
  • Wolf Brigitte, computer scientist Univ., City councilor
  • Dietweger Marina, industrial clerk
  • Lechner Thomas, employee
  • Braaz Rita, self-defense trainer
  • City Council election Munich - top candidate of free voters: Hans-Peter Mehling


    Hans-Peter Mehling (Free Voters Munich)

    © Reiner Pohl

    For Hans-Peter Mehling , the top candidate of the Free Voters in Munich and the city council and city council, traffic in the city is the most important issue. Mehling is 61 years old, married, has two children and worked as a logistician. He has been on the board of the Obergiesing-Fasangarten district committee since 2014 and has been deputy chairman of the free voters in Munich since 2017.

    Mehling supports the expansion of local public transport to make it easier to switch from the car. He wants to work for more affordable living space in Munich - without sealing green spaces. Multi-generation living is also important to him. For the climate in the city, he would like to have all existing fresh air aisles preserved and initiate more greening.

    Free voters: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Mehling Hans-Peter, logistician, BA member
  • Stahl Felix, senior administrative inspector, graduate in business administration, member of the BA
  • Staufenbiel Andreas, student, BA
  • Schabl Rudolf, medic
  • Utz Pia, employee
  • City Council election Munich - top candidate of the Bavarian party: Richard Progl


    Richard Progl (Munich Bavaria Party)

    © Siegfried Eichhorn

    Richard Progl , born in 1979, has a degree in business administration, is married and has two daughters. Born in Munich, he has been a member of the city council since 2010. As the Bavaria City Party 's top candidate for the city council, he told * : “First of all, Munich must be there for the Munich party, that's my motto and the unique feature of the Bavaria Party. It has nothing to do with birth or nationality - it is about taking care of the needs and concerns of those who have been living in our city, whether for a few years or for generations. ”

    Instead of redensification, Progl demands “a consequent stop to new buildings until the infrastructure can keep pace with the growth of the city.” Subway and S-Bahn connections should be completed before housing construction. His party opposed the urban development measures (SEM) with impending expropriations such as those in Feldmoching and Daglfing. Instead, investments should be made in rural areas, so that the pressure on the Munich housing market eases.

    Munich must not become a “metropolis without character”, but must retain its charm. Sometimes "uncomfortable decisions" are necessary. "Instead of pouring out the cornucopia over hundreds of social associations and organizations, you should invest so that our children and future generations can still live in Munich."

    Bavarian Party: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Progl Richard, Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH), ea. City Council
  • Altmann Johann, retired police chief, city council
  • Schmidbauer Mario, innkeeper, ea. City Council
  • Caim Eva, nurse, ea.City councilor
  • Guardian Andre, Bundesbankoberamtsrat, ea. City Council
  • Munich City Council Election - Top candidate of the ÖDP Munich: Tobias Ruff


    Tobias Ruff (ÖDP Munich)

    © Keitel concept

    Tobias Ruff , born in 1976, was born in Munich, is married and has two daughters. After studying forestry in Weihenstephan, he first worked at the Technical University of Munich and is now employed by the Upper Bavaria District as a water ecologist. The ÖDP , to which he joined in 1995, would like to see him as their top candidate on the Munich City Council in 2020. The nature-loving Ruff initially got involved with the young ecologists at the ÖDP.

    ÖDP: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Ruff Tobias, aquatic ecologist, graduate forestry engineer (FH), city councilor
  • Haider Sonja, environmental consultant, ea. City councilor
  • Holtmann Nicola, environmental engineer, BA member
  • Raschke Markus, climate protection consultant, M.Sc., ea. District council
  • Sauerer Johann, himself. Mechanical engineer, ea. City council, BA member
  • Munich City Council election - top candidate of the FDP Munich: Jörg Hoffmann


    Jörg Hoffmann (FDP Munich)

    © Witefield

    Tax lawyer and university professor Jörg Hoffmann is the OB candidate for the FDP - and is also one of the FDP list places for the Munich City Council. The 49-year-old candidate is married, has two children and lives with his family in Munich. Hoffman has been a FDP member for 27 years and has been on the Altstadt-Lehel district committee since 2002. He has six years of experience as a city councilor. "Munich is my home," Hoffmann said to * , and as OB he wanted to make "one of the most livable cities in the world" fit for the future.

    “We have to use the growth of the city as an opportunity, but also steer it sensibly so that we do not experience a traffic collapse in Munich, so that Munich remains affordable for everyone, and that Munich becomes a pioneer city in terms of climate protection. Our city captivates with its diversity, cosmopolitanism and tolerance. It is important to maintain and promote this. "

    FDP: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Dr. Hoffmann Jörg, university lecturer, ea. City council
  • Neff Gabriele, himself. Merchant, ea. City Councilor
  • Roth Fritz, lawyer, graduate in economics
  • Föst-Reich Dagmar, Dipl.-Kauffrau, BA member
  • Kaiser-Steiner Jennifer, scientific colleague
  • City Council election Munich - top candidate of Alliance 90 / The Greens: Katrin Habenschaden


    Kathrin Habenschaden (Green Munich)

    © Andreas Gregor

    The Greens in Munich are running with Katrin Habenschaden as the top candidate in the city council election in Munich. She only joined the party in 2009 and in 2020 she is already running for the post of Mayor of Munich. The 42-year-old was voted 99 percent of the valid votes by her party colleagues as OB candidate. The trained banker and graduate in business administration is married, has two children and lives in Aubing. Habenschaden works voluntarily as a forest and wilderness educator.

    She has been a member of the city council since 2014. The central demand of the Greens in Munich is the change in mobility. In the past, GroKo criticized the GroKo in Munich City Hall, especially with regard to local public transport, which had exceeded the load limit, "if a balloon can already paralyze the entire main line." The CSU Munich also accused of damage, with more and more studies to delay the western tram tangent: "The traffic turnaround cannot come like this."

    According to Habenschaden, housing construction is the biggest social problem in Munich - with the desired preservation of as many green spaces as possible. In an interview with *, the candidate stated that her family's backing in particular encouraged her. Born in Nuremberg, Katharina Schulze, parliamentary group leader, belongs to the closer circle of her campaign team. The Greens won 31.2 percent of the votes cast in Munich in the 2019 European elections.

    Alliance 90 / The Greens: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Habenschaden Katrin, graduate in business administration, city councilor
  • Dr. Roth Florian, school advisor, ea. City council
  • Hanusch Anna, architect, ea.City councilor
  • Krause Dominik, physicist, ea. City council
  • Post Julia, social entrepreneur
  • Munich city council election - top candidate of the SPD Munich: Dieter Reiter


    Dieter Reiter (SPD Munich)

    © picture alliance / Sven Hoppe / dpa

    He has been Munich's OB since 2014 - and he wants to become one again: Dieter Reiter . Despite the weakness of the federal SPD , sympathy values ​​remain high. It is quite logical that he also tops the list of SPD candidates for the city council. Reiter's focus in this OB election is also on living and mobility in Munich. The city is primarily concerned with housing construction, cheap rents, the expansion of local transport, bike paths or parking lots. These are the things that keep people busy, says Dieter Reiter. Diplom-Verwaltungswirt Reiter lives with his wife in a rented apartment in Sendling. He has three children and is already a grandfather.

    Before the local elections in Munich 2020, he showed himself humble towards Munich's Merkur : "The number of regular voters has decreased, even in Munich." His party had to answer the basic question: "Why is social democracy more important than ever?" Reiter wanted to make the voters clear , "That Munich's outstanding success is inextricably linked to the SPD". Munich is not only economically successful, but above all "social, cosmopolitan and innovative". In the 2019 European elections, the SPD in Munich slumped to just 11.4 percent.

    SPD: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Reiter Dieter, Mayor
  • Dietl Verena, graduate social worker, ea. City councilor
  • Müller Christian, social worker, ea. City Council
  • Hübner Anne, specialist for geriatric care, ea. City councilor
  • Vorländer Christian, criminal defense lawyer, city councilor
  • City Council election Munich - top candidate of the CSU Munich: Kristina Frank


    Kristina Frank (CSU Munich)

    © CSU Munich

    The CSU Munich OB candidate is Kristina Frank . The 38-year-old - married, a son, living in Neuhausen - has already had a career as a judge at the Munich Regional Court. In 2014 she moved to the Munich City Council - and in 2018 Frank became municipal councilor.

    Frank likes to present himself as environmentally conscious, prefers to forego the car in favor of the bike, and wants to encourage Munich to be more sustainable. In an interview with Merkur in Munich , the candidate for city council and mayor said: "Climate protection, sustainability and environmental awareness are very important to me personally" - and: "The special needs of young people in an expensive and demanding city like Munich are targeted address."

    Observers believe that Frank enjoys the backing of CSU Prime Minister Markus Söder in the 2020 Munich municipal election. After all, it could be seen as the personification of his desire to make the party “younger and more feminine”.

    CSU: Candidates for the Munich City Council - the top list places

  • Frank Kristina, local adviser, BA member
  • Pretzl Manuel, Mayor, Dipl.-Kaufmann
  • Dr. Menges Evelyne, Managing Director Animal Rescue, ea. City Councilor
  • Dr. Theiss Hans, doctor, ea. City Council
  • Burkhardt Beatrix, high school teacher, ea. City councilor
  • Video: What are the tasks of the city council and municipal council?


    To take to the polling station: Our cheat sheet for the local election in Bavaria 2020 as a PDF file for download and printing .

    All information and dates for the 2020 local elections in Bavaria can be found here. Results of the 2020 local elections will be available on Sunday, March 15, 2020, from *. In advance you will find detailed reports on candidates, lists and all current developments, for example in the news ticker for the local elections in Munich *.

    We will also show you how to correctly fill in the ballot in the 2020 municipal election in Bavaria *, what you need a notification for * and how postal voting works *.

    2020 local elections: where is voting still going?

    Not only the state capital elects a new city council on March 15th. The city councils and district councils are being replaced across Bavaria. * has listed the parties and their top candidates for the following cities:

    • Nuremberg
    • augsburg
    • regensburg
    • Ingolstadt
    • Passau

    * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


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