The Limited Times

Paar changed these things - and saves more than 800 euros a month

3/11/2020, 2:28:42 PM

A couple has changed several things to get rid of bad habits. A positive side effect: You now save more than 800 euros a month.

A couple has changed several things to get rid of bad habits. A positive side effect: You now save more than 800 euros a month.

  • An American reveals how she and her partner saved more than 800 euros a month .
  • They only changed four things for that.
  • The changes are just trivial trifles.

Those who want to save usually try to spend several days trying not to spend money unnecessarily. What many are doing wrong: they don't stay consistent and forget to completely put off bad habits. Most saving tricks only work if changes are maintained over a longer period of time.

This also applies to the tips of an American who could save more than 800 euros per month using four banal methods. In a contribution from the Business Insider, she reveals what she and her partner have been doing differently for several months.

Woman and her partner save more than 800 euros a month

The most obvious way to save money is to create a savings account, to which a certain amount is transferred at regular intervals. Many leave it at that, although they could easily increase their wealth even further. A New York woman tells Business Insider how to do it: Several months ago, she and her partner decided to put an end to a few bad habits once and for all. What they had no idea: The changes will give them 880 euros more per month .

Read also : With these twelve tips you save 16,000 euros in one year.

American saves a lot of money because she changed these four things

Specifically, the American reports four little things that she and her partner have been doing differently for several months:

  • They prepare their lunch at home and take it to work instead of eating on site. If you follow this rule four times a week, you will spend around € 182 a month and no longer € 429 - which was the case before.
  • They often cook at home instead of ordering. Although the couple still go to a restaurant once a week, they only pay 195 euros instead of 585 euros per month.
  • They have canceled their expensive memberships in gyms and are now training at home. This saves you around 133 euros per month.
  • You have registered with a library so that you no longer have to buy expensive books. Therefore, the couple's account receives 89 euros more per month.

Also interesting : Warren Buffet unveiled - With this method, you can make a lot of money.

Video: The best savings tips - This means that more of the money remains at the end of the month


With these seven tips you save a lot of money in everyday life

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* and are part of the nationwide Ippen central editorial network.

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