The Limited Times

"Feels like jet lag": The advice of this corona patient divides minds

3/12/2020, 2:23:05 PM

Londoner Bridget Wilkins is in hospital because of a coronavirus infection. It has a message for everyone who is afraid of Sars-CoV-2.

Londoner Bridget Wilkins is in hospital because of a coronavirus infection. It has a message for everyone who is afraid of Sars-CoV-2.

In the first week of March, Bridget Wilkins took the plane from London to Brisbane, the capital of the Australian state of Queensland. Now she is in the hospital: Doctors diagnosed the young woman with the new lung disease COVID-19. She was amazed, not feeling any serious symptoms.

Woman has COVID-19, but considers her symptoms to be the result of jet lag

In an interview with 7News, Wilkins compared her symptoms to normal cold symptoms. In the interview, she advised keeping calm and not dramatizing a coronavirus infection. She thought her symptoms were jet lag, the infection was so mild .

The 29-year-old appears to have been infected with the corona virus on or before traveling to her Australian home *. For a wedding, she flew to Brisbane, where she tested positive for corona viruses and is now being treated in isolation. In the interview, the young woman admits that the corona epidemic is serious , but also said that the "hype and hysteria" is largely inappropriate in her eyes .

Also read : "Turn on the brain": surgeon clears his anger about the coronavirus panic - and reveals a bad prognosis .

"The media spread a lot of hysteria about the corona virus"

"The message I want to convey to the world is that someone may already have it and only experience symptoms like headache, sore throat * or just fatigue," she told 7News. She assumed that she only showed these symptoms after her 30-hour journey because she was exhausted : "I didn't think I had a corona infection. I thought I was jet lagged."

The young woman hopes to be released from the hospital soon. She still has symptoms like headache, sore throat, and tiredness, but not more than that. "The media is spreading a lot of hysteria about the coronavirus," said Wilkins Infection can be dangerous. * But I think we should stay calm because for most people, like me, an infection takes the form of a protracted cold deserve attention, "concludes Bridget Wilkins.

Read more: Comparison of COVID-19 and flu: How the two viral diseases differ.


When is hypochondria a dangerous disorder?

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* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network .

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