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2020 municipal election in Passau: the candidates for the city council

3/12/2020, 9:58:38 AM

The AfD also stands for election in the Passau city council election. We introduce the top candidates of the parties.

The AfD also stands for election in the Passau city council election. We introduce the top candidates of the parties.

  • A new city ​​council will be elected in Passau on March 15, 2020.
  • The CSU and SPD have been the strongest political groups for 30 years, and they currently have the same number of seats.
  • The results of the nationwide votes * are expected on the evening of the election, and results from Passau * should also be included.

Passau - How will the CSU do in the municipal election in Passau 2020? In the last city council election in 2014, it lost more seats on the body and reached a historic low in the city. With a good 28 percent of the votes cast, it was just under second after the SPD (a good 29 percent). Both parties won twelve seats. * asked the top candidates for the city council election in Passau about their core issues.

Passau local election: Jonas Weidenthaler is the top candidate for the city council for “Zukunft Passau”


Jonas Weidenthaler (Zukunft Passau eV)

© Zukunft Passau eV

Jonas Weidenthaler joined the Junge Union in 2012 and is now involved in the newly formed list " Zukunft Passau ". “Passau has not been able to rejuvenate its city council for some electoral periods,” Weidenthaler told * . "Nobody from the younger generation is represented," said the 25-year-old law student.

"The current election showed exactly the same result," explains the candidate for the city council in Passau. "For this reason, we have founded a party-politically independent 'Young List' called 'Zukunft Passau' in Passau in order to get a 'fresh breeze into the Old Town Hall' again. Topics from the younger Passau can best be brought into the political debate. With an average age of 25 and the iron will to finally make a difference in Passau, I am optimistic that we will make it into the city council. ”

Candidates of "Zukunft Passau" for the 2020 city council election in Passau - front list places

  • Weidenthaler, Jonas, student
  • Habereder, Sina, student
  • Zitzelsberger, Maximilian, B.Eng., Mechanical engineer
  • Simader, Magdalena, office communication clerk
  • Simader, Katharina, insurance specialist
  • Passau local election: Robert Schregle is the top candidate for the AfD city council


    Robert Schregle (AfD Passau)

    © Robert Schregle

    The top candidate of the AfD Passau, Robert Schregle , believes that the city has to become "car-friendly" again. This also includes the re-approval of the 'most expensive rehabilitated suspension bridge for motor traffic'. For Robert Schregle, the bill behind it is: "Car traffic = personal freedom = stop inner city deaths", as the foreign language merchant * emailed on request. "It belongs together, contrary to all 'eco-fuzzie dictatorship'", he added. The 56-year-old joined the AfD in 2013, and is currently the district council and auditor in the Lower Bavaria District Association.

    What is important to him in his candidacy for the 2020 local elections: "Stop the 'eco-scams' against the electricity customers of the Passau public utility company". As an example, he named the "certificate swindle with green electricity from Norwegian hydropower" - Passau finally has a Danube power plant. Another demand by the AfD Passau: "1000 apartments plus X immediate program". If social housing falls out of funding, the city of Passau should Have initial purchase rights instead of selling them to "rental shark organizations".

    AfD candidates for the 2020 City Council election in Passau - front list places

  • Schregle, Robert, foreign language salesman
  • Haimert, Kurt, graduate expert
  • Graf, Stefan, retired nurse
  • Michaelsen-Berger, Rita, driver
  • Zauner, karl, shoemaker iR
  • Video: What are the tasks of the city council and municipal council?

    Passau local elections: Top candidates for the city council at Die Linke are Josef Ilsanker and Regina Ertl


    Josef Ilsanker and Regina Ertl (Die Linke Passau)

    © The Left Passau

    The Left Passau is going into the 2020 City Council election with a top duo: Josef Ilsanker and Regina Ertl . "The rapid rise in rents" is currently the most pressing problem in Passau. The reason: Residential construction was almost entirely left to private investors, explained Josef Ilsanker * .

    The housing stock of the property and housing company (WGP) partly reminded him of a "real estate shark". In the run-up to the municipal election in Bavaria (here in the live ticker), the candidates for the city council of Passau demand that the WGP invest in the construction of affordable living space and the energetic renovation of existing apartments.

    The problematic high volume of traffic is to be limited by mobility centers on the outskirts of the city, where commuters can switch to a well-timed city bus or other ecological means of transport, such as e-bikes. In addition, the two want to gradually make local public transport free of charge.

    Ilsanker was born in 1975, an occupational therapist, and was a founding member of the PDS Passau in 1999. In 2006 he co-founded the WASG Passau. Since 2009 he has been on the executive board of Die Linke Passau.

    Candidates from Die Linke for the 2020 city council election in Passau - front list places

  • Ilsanker, Josef, union secretary
  • Ertl, Regina, designer f. visual marketing
  • Schleiß, Nadine, medical assistant
  • Hofmann, Kai, trainee lawyer
  • Hartmann, Gerlinde, pensioner
  • Passau local election: Stefanie Auer is the top candidate for the city council at Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen


    Stefanie Auer (Green Passau)

    © Simona Kehl

    The self-employed lawyer Stefanie Auer wants to become Green Mayor in Passau in 2020 - she is also the number 1 candidate for the city council election. Stefanie Auer believes that the city council should become younger and more feminine. Also on her agenda: climate protection, affordable housing - and of course the traffic, for which the following applies: “Right of way for bike and bus.”

    The native of Passau wants to keep the Inn promenade and build more technical flood protection on buildings. Auer, born in 1986, joined the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen party in Passau in 2006, and has been on its board since 2018. Auer is married, is involved in the "Solidarity Agriculture" initiative and runs the "Ladies' circle Passau".

    Greens candidates for the 2020 city council election in Passau - front list places

  • Auer, Stefanie, lawyer
  • Weigl, Matthias, student
  • Dr. Wehner, Stefanie, university administration staff
  • Synek, Karl, children's book author
  • Niebrügge, Diana, MA, employees
  • Passau local election: Heinz-Peter Höber is the top candidate for the city council on the “Passauer List” (PaL)


    Heinz-Peter Höber (Passauer list)

    © Passauer list

    Heinz-Peter Höber has been with the Passauer Liste from the beginning and has been its chairman until today. "We are not a party, but an association of politically interested citizens in Passau", he wrote * . The 52-year-old has been a member of the city council since 2002. The candidate on list position 1 works as managing director of a family company for heating, air conditioning and sanitary facilities, is married and has four children.

    "I am concerned with the future of our beautiful city of Passau and not with political party profiling. Local politics should not only be left to the parties with their given programs. You have to find majorities together to make meaningful decisions in the interests of the citizens. I am committed to a livable and lovable Passau that is open to the challenges of the future. "

    Candidates of the "Passau List" for the 2020 City Council election in Passau - front list places

  • Höber, Heinz-Peter, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), managing director
  • Koopmann, Matthias, MA, cultural historian
  • Krumesz, Cornelia, M.Sc., managing director
  • Biber, Markus, lawyer
  • Vilsmeier, Andreas, himself. Gastronom
  • Passau local election: Christa Tausch is the top candidate for the FDP city council


    Christa Tausch (FDP Passau)

    © FDP Passau

    Christa Tausch is the OB candidate and top city council candidate of the FDP Passau. She was employed by the city of Passau for more than 24 years, most recently as the long-time head of city marketing and event management. Since 2013 she has been an executive officer and treasurer. She became a member of the Passau city council in 2014. She is involved in many local associations, "because without the volunteer work, the Passau world would be a lot poorer," said Tausch zu * .

    "With me as Mayor, Passau is getting a committed, life-affirming, cosmopolitan, attentive Passauer who listens to people," said the FDP politician. Direct contact with all Passau residents is important to her. “I will intensify meetings and talks with business, medium-sized companies, handicrafts, trade and the youth. I want to create a central meeting place for children, families and seniors. My goal is to take those who are affected by local political decisions. "

    FDP candidates for the 2020 city council election in Passau - front list places

  • Tausch, Christa, Dipl.-Verww. (FH), executive officer
  • Dittlmann, Andreas, fire service consultant
  • Splitgerber, Ingrid, pharmacist
  • Nikkho, Ramin, legal trainee
  • Straube, Kilian, student
  • Passau local election: Georg Steiner is the top candidate for the CSU city council


    Georg Steiner (CSU Passau)

    © CSU Passau

    Georg Steiner thinks Passau is one of the most beautiful cities - but many have "stayed behind" in recent years, the CSU candidate told * . Passauer, who is currently Director of Tourism in Linz, has been active in local politics for more than 40 years: in 1977 he joined the CSU.

    Like almost all of Passau, he lists the topics of traffic, environmental protection and affordable housing before the 2020 local elections in Bavaria. But he is also concerned that Passau no longer defines itself as a “regional script”, but has isolated itself.

    Two examples from graduate business economist Steiner: "The traffic problems can only be solved if we work more closely together in public transport or at Park & ​​Ride and jointly develop traffic axes with bridges and tunnels", and "A medical campus can only be created if the health infrastructure is in place throughout the region. ”Steiner is married and has two children.

    CSU candidates for the 2020 city council election in Passau - front list places

  • Steiner, Georg, tourism director
  • Weber, Rosemarie, lawyer
  • Dr. Putzke, Holm, university professor
  • Buhmann, Evi, Medical Assistant
  • Dickl, Armin, management consultant
  • Passau local elections: the top candidate for the ÖDP city council is Urban Mangold


    Urban Swiss Chard (ÖDP Passau)

    © ÖDP Passau

    Urban Mangold has been the second mayor of Passau since 2008. In 2020 he ran for the ÖDP as OB and was also a candidate for the city council election. “No disfiguring flood walls on the Inn promenade! This special place must be preserved, ”he told * . The historic Passau is important to him: "No to the demolition policy and return-shoe-box architecture!"

    Mangold (57) also promises to work for affordable housing, sustainable urban development and a better infrastructure. When it comes to transport, we must finally take action instead of "constantly adding new reports!" Mangold wants to expand Park & ​​Ride and a network of urban-rural public transport and local public transport.

    Mangold worked as an editor for radio and was the state manager of the ÖDP Bayern from 1991 to 2013. He is married and has two daughters.

    Candidates of the ÖDP for the 2020 city council election in Passau - front list places

  • Mangold, Urban, CEO
  • Robl, Oliver, high school teacher
  • Kastner, Paul, technical specialist
  • Seitz, Johanna, student
  • Prügl, Franz, district youth welfare director
  • Passau local election: Jürgen Dupper is the top candidate for the SPD city council


    Jürgen Dupper (SPD Passau)

    © Toni Scholz Ortenburg 2014

    Jürgen Dupper has been OB of Passau for more than ten years, and also a top candidate for the city council in the 2020 local elections. He is married and has five children. "Together with the people in Passau, I would like to continue the successful development of our city," said the 59-year-old to * about his candidacy.

    SPD candidates for the 2020 city council election in Passau - front list places

  • Dupper, Jürgen, Mayor
  • Kasberger, Karin, administrative staff
  • Sturm, Markus, Kipl-Jur. (Univ.), Lawyer
  • Reitmaier, Katja, MA, teacher
  • Flisek, Christian, lawyer, MdL
  • Passau local election: Siegfried Kapfer is the top candidate for the FWG city council

    The Free Voting Community (FWG) sends Siegfried Kapfer as its top candidate for the city council election.

    Candidates of the Free Voting Community Passau for the 2020 city council election in Passau - front list places

  • Kapfer, Siegfried, retired chief detective chief
  • Carrier, Erika, graduate social worker
  • Burkert, Martin, postal officer
  • Olzinger, Sabine, merchant
  • Kapfer, Tobias, himself. Event service provider
  • Video: What are the tasks of the city council and municipal council?


    For election day, we recommend you download and print out our cheat sheet for the Bavaria 2020 local elections as a PDF file.

    In the local elections, the mayor also nominates a new head * for the three-river city. So that you do not lose the overview, has summarized everything you need to know about ballot *, postal voting * and election notification * under the respective link.

    All information and dates for the 2020 local elections in Bavaria can be found here. Results of the 2020 local elections will be available on Sunday, March 15, 2020 from . * You will find detailed reports on candidates, lists and all current developments * in advance, for example in the election ticker from Munich *. If there are new surveys for Passau *, we will keep you up to date.

    2020 local elections: parties and candidates in other Bavarian cities

    The 2020 municipal election not only promises an exciting race in Passau. A tough fight is also expected in other Bavarian cities. * has collected the parties and candidates for these cities:

    • Munich
    • Nuremberg
    • augsburg
    • regensburg
    • Ingolstadt

    * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


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