The Limited Times

District election 2020 in Miesbach: All nine candidates for the office introduce themselves

3/12/2020, 1:19:25 PM

Nine candidates - more than ever before - are fighting for the position of district administrator. The incumbent Wolfgang Rzehak (Greens) against eight challengers. Here you can find all information about the election and all candidates introduce themselves.

Nine candidates - more than ever before - are fighting for the position of district administrator. The incumbent Wolfgang Rzehak (Greens) against eight challengers. Here you can find all information about the election and all candidates introduce themselves.

  • Since Jakob Kreidl (CSU) was voted out in 2014, Wolfgang Rzehak has been the first green member of the district office's executive chair. In the municipal election on March 15, the incumbent of the Greens has to face eight competitors.
  • All nine candidates introduce themselves below and there is a brief outline of the current political situation.
  • All results, news and statements before, on and after the election day can be read live on our large topic page on municipal whales in the Miesbach district.

+++ Results of the district elections +++

+++ Results of the district elections +++

District - A green becomes district administrator in the CSU stronghold . What was virtually unthinkable in the district of Miesbach until the Kreidl case has now been part of everyday life in local politics for six years. Opinions on Wolfgang Rzehak's track record diverge - not surprisingly in times of the election campaign.

In the past few years, a kind of copyright dispute has flared up on several topics: Who came up with the idea first? And who was the main driving force behind them? Example: the planned MVV accession of the district. Rzehak says he has supported the project from the start. The CSU says that the Green District Administrator was only enthusiastic about it and is now selling the topic as one of the most important achievements of his first term.

Apparently not only the CSU is of the opinion that six years of Green District leadership are enough. Eight challengers want to throw Rzehak off the throne on March 15 (see below). They cover the entire political spectrum, their municipal political experience ranges from newcomers to mayors.

District election 2020 in Miesbach: New district council awaits many topics and big tasks

No matter who ends up on the executive chair in the district office: the task list is long. It is important to push ahead with the turnaround in traffic in the district with the practical implementation of the local transport plan and to bring the already decided millions of euros into the hospital (parking deck, geriatric rehabilitation) and the replacement of the district office on the way. The currently suspended process for re-designating the water protection zone continues to be a political explosive device . It will be exciting to see how the future management of the district will position itself towards the Munich municipal utility and how the affected citizens will react to it.

Nobody currently dares to predict the outcome of the election. Do the voters grant District Administrator Rzehak a second term? Does the CSU manage to step out of the shadow of the Kreidl case and regain the post of district administrator? How does the break between FWG and FW affect the results of the two candidates? Can SPD candidate Christine Negele trump her party's modest polls at the federal and state levels? And how are the representatives of the FDP, Left and AfD doing?

Answers to these questions will be given on Sunday, March 15th, during the evening. However, there is at least some doubt as to whether the district election has already been decided. With the large number of candidates, a runoff election is considered quite likely. And it will only take place two weeks later, on March 29th. According to the current status, there are many indications of an election campaign with an extension.


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The district of Miesbach in numbers

15 municipalities, two cities.

Population: 100,078.

Eligible voters: 79 410.

Area: 864 km2

District councilors: 60.

Current seat allocation: CSU 21, FWG 16, SPD 9, Greens 9, Bayern Party 3, FDP 2.

Candidate lists 2020: CSU, Greens, FW, SPD, FDP, FWG, Bavaria Party, Left Party, ÖDP.

District election in Miesbach 2020: The candidates introduce themselves

All nine candidates then have their say, sorted according to the order on the ballot.

Olaf von Löwis (CSU) - "Respect and understanding"


Olaf von Löwis (CSU) - "Respect and understanding"


What can the district do about the traffic collapse?

Löwis: For car waivers, bicycles and public transport have to be attractive: the cycle path network needs expanded main axles. Bus and train timetables should be perfectly coordinated. Favorable prices and simple ticket sales to the destination are necessary. I want to strengthen the call collection taxi.

What financial policy are you pursuing?

Löwis: I stand for solid budget policy with consistent deleveraging. The repayment plan drawn up in the penultimate term of office runs on its own and should continue to do so. Financial leeway should primarily be used for necessary investments (transport, hospital, schools). We should think about lowering the circular contribution.

What steps does the district office have to take to become a modern service provider?

Löwis: Citizens are customers. Your concerns and concerns are my personal order. This includes close, trusting cooperation with the communities and modern digital technology.

What is particularly important to you as a district administrator?

Löwis: I want a culture of togetherness. Regardless of party interests and requirements from above, I want to inform people comprehensively and stand up for their concerns - example water protection zone. Sustainability is important to me. Decisions must also benefit future generations.

To person

Olaf von Löwis (65) from Holzkirchen, married, two children, three grandchildren, graduate in forestry (Univ.), Since 2002 in the municipal council in Holzkirchen, since 2008 district councilor, since 2014 mayor of Holzkirchen, since 2018 district council, chairman of vhs Holzkirchen -Otterfing. Guiding principle: "Mutual respect and understanding are prerequisites for constructive cooperation."

Wolfgang Rzehak (Greens) - "Shaping the future, preserving home"


Wolfgang Rzehak (Greens) - "Shaping the future, preserving home"


What can the district do about the traffic collapse?

Rzehak: In order to improve the traffic situation in the district, in addition to the 30-minute cycle at the BOB, electrification and the expansion of the rail infrastructure as well as a better connection of the buses to the train are needed. A central component is the district's accession to the MVV. The approved local transport plan does not disappear in the drawer. As district administrator I implement it step by step.

What financial policy are you pursuing?


As a district administrator, I stand for solid budgetary policy and massive deleveraging: Since taking office in 2014, 42 million euros, about a third of the debt, have been reduced. At the same time, the reduction of the district levy by two percentage points relieved the municipalities. I will continue to follow this path consistently.

What steps does the district office have to take to become a modern service provider?

Rzehak: Digitization, citizen-friendly opening times and barrier-free access to the offices are important. But above all, and we're already very good at it: technically competent and friendly employees.

What is particularly important to you as a district administrator?

Rzehak: The preservation of our beautiful home: As a district administrator, I would like to further develop our district and at the same time preserve its scenic beauty and traditional features!

To person

Wolfgang Rzehak (52) from Gmund, married, two children, Diplom-Verwaltungswirt (FH), from 2002 to 2014 municipal councilor in Gmund, since 1996 district councilor, since 2014 district administrator, until 2014 treasurer at TEV Miesbach. Guiding principle: "Shaping the future - preserving home: That is what I stand for as district administrator!"

Gisela Hölscher (FW) - "Polka instead of waltz"


Gisela Hölscher (FW) - "Polka instead of waltz"


What can the district do about the traffic collapse?

Hölscher: The traffic collapse has been completely overslept in my eyes. The newly created local transport plan is far from sufficient. Munich and the surrounding area are growing, so is traffic. I call for a national mobility concept in cooperation with the city and district of Munich.

What financial policy are you pursuing?

Hölscher: We have to keep the deleveraging in focus. The first thing I will do as a district administrator is to "cash in" and put all expenses to the test to determine whether all the money is being used sensibly.

What steps does the district office have to take to become a modern service provider?

Hölscher: The district office has to become digital, modern and environmentally friendly as quickly as possible. Well-functioning technology should relieve the employees and allow more time for the citizen service.

What is particularly important to you as a district administrator?

Hölscher: It is particularly important to me to ensure that people have basic services. To do this, the hospital, water and waste disposal must remain in local hands. A direct exchange with municipalities and citizens is particularly important to me. Visits and exchange on site as well as a regular citizens' consultation are a matter of course for me. For me, the focus is on people.

To person

Gisela Hölscher (54) from Waakirchen, married, three children, travel agent (IHK), worldwide crew at a German airline, since 2008 municipal councilor in Waakirchen, district chairman of free voters, chairman of the association for the establishment of a hospice in the district of Miesbach, board member for neighborhood aid in Waakirchen, Senior Citizens and Disability Officers. Guiding principle: "Polka instead of slow waltz."

Alois Ostermair (AfD) - "Constructive cooperation"


Alois Ostermair (AfD) - "Constructive cooperation"


What can the district do about the traffic collapse?

Ostermair: Transport policy issues can only be solved in cooperation with neighboring counties / municipalities and with the city of Munich. Situation-related construction site management is also important. “Unimportant” traffic lights should be switched off on weekends. The exits of the A 8 should be sealed in the event of a traffic jam for third-party traffic jam divers and toll savers. Shuttle buses are worth considering for the Spitzing area.

What financial policy are you pursuing?


Economic development and tourism must be brought together. Privatization of the hospital must be avoided. The creation of reserves and deleveraging have priority. The following must apply to asylum costs: benefits in kind before cash benefits.

What steps does the district office have to take to become a modern service provider?

Ostermair: Analyze the actual / target state and the division of tasks with the employees. Goals: more skills, shorter waiting times and distances, faster decisions. Catch up on the gap in eGovernment.

What is particularly important to you as a district administrator?

Ostermair: We want to promote the local: gastronomy, services, farmers and their products. I am for gentle but economically sustainable tourism and affordable living space for locals and stand for citizen decisions on important issues.

To person

Alois Ostermair (53) from Weyarn, unmarried, a trained retail and insurance clerk and insurance business economist, employee in the investment sector, member of the reservists' association and sports shooter, AfD member since 2013, previously with the CSU. Guiding principle: "I stand for constructive cooperation between the generations."

Christine Negele (SPD) - "District must remain livable"


Christine Negele (SPD) - "District must remain livable"


What can the district do about the traffic collapse?

Negele: A denser bus network at cheaper prices, connecting parking spaces at the motorway exits with commuter buses every 20 minutes on weekends, introducing a ride app via the district office, expanding the cycle path network, rental bicycles at train stations, free public transport for social card owners * inside and for high school students.

What financial policy are you pursuing?

Negele: More money for public transportation and to secure the hospital keep it in county hand. Continue to reduce debt to become able to act.

What steps does the district office have to take to become a modern service provider?

Negele: The authority should finally see itself as a partner of the citizens and offer help when applying. Cooperation with external advice centers should be intensified, use a language used for information sheets, put all applications online, introduce citizens' consultation hours and extend the opening hours once a month.

What is particularly important to you as a district administrator?

Negele: Gender equality policy must become an issue. Recruiting personnel by promoting the compatibility of family and work for both parents, for example through extended, flexible opening times of the day care center at the hospital and more home office. I have been fighting for a women's shelter and the women's emergency call on site since 1992.

To person

Christine Negele (61) from Tegernsee, two children, educator, graduate social worker, head of clinical social service, district councilor since 2008, on the board of the Agatharied hospital since 2008. Guiding principle: "Our district must remain livable for people with normal and low incomes, for young families, tenants, and pensioners."

Ursula Lex (FDP) - "Bridges instead of walls"


Ursula Lex (FDP) - "Bridges instead of walls"


What can the district do about the traffic collapse?

Lex: Among other things, smarter traffic lights and more roundabouts. Higher frequency and expansion of local public transport as well as an expansion of the cycle path network.

What financial policy are you pursuing?

Lex: Actually, the district and the municipalities have too little money to fulfill the mandatory tasks. This is also due to the country's insufficient funding. So moderate management is necessary. In any case, I will work out all important investments and decisions together with the district council.

What steps does the district office have to take to become a modern service provider?

Lex: Similar to private service providers, you should introduce a quality system (such as DIN 9001) in which costs / benefits as well as cooperation with citizens and other authorities are assessed and subject to a continuous improvement process. Active complaint management is important. Ultimately, the citizens are nothing more than the customers of the district office.

What is particularly important to you as a district administrator?

Lex: Of course, the satisfaction of the people in the Miesbach district. That is why it is one of my basic principles to work transparently and democratically in a team. Citizens should feel that they are taken with them in all decisions.

To person

Ursula Lex (55) from Miesbach, married, two children, trained sales assistant, currently business economist HWK and managing director of a craft company. State Chair of the Liberal Mittelstand, member of the Federal Committee for Labor and Social Affairs, member of the Child Protection Association. Since 2010 district chairwoman of the FDP, since 2019 district councilor. Guiding principle: "I build bridges instead of walls."

Andreas Hallmannsecker (FWG) "Designing instead of just managing"


Andreas Hallmannsecker (FWG) "Designing instead of just managing"


What can the district do about the traffic collapse?

Hallmannsecker: Implement the local transport plan as soon as possible. This includes modernizing rail infrastructure; further stops that increase passenger capacities, double-track sections, level crossings. Joining the MVV is a very important step for uniform ticket prices.

What financial policy are you pursuing?

Hallmannsecker: The current debt will be paid off by default. I do not currently think that special repayments make sense. Surpluses should be used for the upcoming measures (hospital, district office, transport infrastructure, social areas).

What steps does the district office have to take to become a modern service provider?

Hallmannsecker: As an authority, the district office must also be a service company for our municipalities and the population. Waiting times for appointments and permits are to be reduced. Modern, spatial and digital equipment is required.

What is particularly important to you as a district administrator?

Hallmannsecker: The people and volunteering. That is why the Agatharied hospital must remain in municipal hands and medical care must be ensured in the district. The drinking water must remain clean and remain with the municipalities in the district. I will support agriculture as an environmentalist and food producer.

To person

Andreas Hallmannsecker (63) from Valley, married, four children, trained car mechanic and certified expert. Honorary chairman of the referee group of the Bavarian Football Association (BFV) Bad Tölz-Miesbach and fireman. Since 1996 community council in Valley, mayor of the community since 2008, district council since 2014. Guiding principle: "Don't just talk and manage, but act and shape."

Martin Beilhack (BP) - "Love of home is a matter of the heart"


Martin Beilhack (BP) - "Love of home is a matter of the heart"


What can the district do about the traffic collapse?

Beilhack: Stop the unchecked expansion and development of further commercial areas, expansion of the railway lines (half-hourly), networking with the Tegernsee shipping, designation of building land for locals (first home), no electrification of the railway lines, but conversion to fuel cell technology.

What financial policy are you pursuing?


Even in economically good times, taxpayers' money must be generated. An increase in the number of staff at the district office is to be prevented. Everything has to be put to the test. If debts, then only those that pay off. Build up reserves in good times.

What steps does the district office have to take to become a modern service provider?

Beilhack: Keeping good, old, being open to the new. Flexible opening times, cut red tape. I want a friendly and courteous district office! An employee's first question about "Grüß Gott" must be: "How can I help you?" No paragraph riders. Do not manage, but design.

What is particularly important to you as a district administrator?

Beilhack: Preservation of tradition and customs in the district, support and promotion of traditional costumes, shooters, home and tradition associations. Initiative to promote a living dialect region.

To person

Martin Beilhack (63) from Waakirchen, divorced, three sons. Trained bricklayer, fire chief at the professional fire brigade, currently a farmer. Captain of the mountain rifle company Waakirchen: municipal council in Otterfing from 1996 to 2009, district councilor from 20O2 to 2014. Guiding principle: "Love of home is a matter of the heart."

Angela Sterr (Die Linke) - "Talk less, act more"


Angela Sterr (Die Linke) - "Talk less, act more"


What can the district do about the traffic collapse?

Sterr: There are various causes. Traffic lights, construction sites, potholes ... However, the key point is certainly local public transport. This needs to be expanded in the form of a more extensive rail network and significantly more bus connections. Furthermore, we speak out clearly for the free use of public transport. Due to the increased use, the traffic situation in the district relaxes significantly.

What financial policy are you pursuing?

Sterr: We are aiming to rebalance the financial spectrum. Investments such as the redesign of the marketplace need to be curbed. Instead, socially disadvantaged people and families are to be supported and the financing of free public transport is to be tackled.

What steps does the district office have to take to become a modern service provider?

Sterr: More transparency for citizens. In addition, administrative procedures must be accelerated and simplified. Various services should therefore be offered online to relieve both citizens and administrative staff.

What is particularly important to you as a district administrator?

Sterr: I care about people and their concerns. I want to fight for a fairer and more social coexistence. These include more leisure activities for young people.

To person

Angela Sterr (28) from Miesbach, single and childless, trained retail clerk, has worked as a service assistant and nursing assistant since May 2019. Member of the Kolping Family Miesbach. Member of Die Linke since October 2019. Guiding principle: "Talk less, act more."

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