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Mayor election 2020 in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen: All candidates

3/12/2020, 12:59:08 PM

Mayor election 2020 in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen: Here you will find an overview of all elections and all candidates on March 15, 2020.

Mayor election 2020 in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen: Here you will find an overview of all elections and all candidates on March 15, 2020.

  • The local elections will take place in Bavaria on Sunday, March 15, 2020.
  • The executive chairs in the town halls are being reassigned in 22 municipalities.
  • You will find the results in the result text for Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

+++ Results of the mayoral elections +++

+++ Results of the local council elections +++

Garmisch-Partenkirchen: That looks like a runoff election on March 29, 2020. Because: So far, five candidates are currently applying for the executive chair in the market town. The incumbent Dr. Defend Sigrid Meierhofer (SPD). The mayor's challenger, who was elected for the first time in 2014, is Elisabeth Koch (CSU), Martin Schröter (FDP), Dr. Stephan Thiel (independent of green) and Lilian Edenhofer (free wage). The Christian Social Alliance (CSB), which provided the mayor with Thomas Schmid from 2008 to 2014, will not bring any candidates for the office of town hall chief in 2020. First there was Simon Brown, a candidate for the Bavarian Party, who withdrew his candidacy. The sixth aspirant is now the last member of the group: Anton Hofer from the citizens' association “Garmisch + Partenkirchen with each other” throws his hat into the ring.

Grainau: CSU incumbent Stephan Märkl wants to continue. So far he has an opposing candidate with FDP man Joachim Greuel.

Farchant: Mayor Martin Wohlketzetter (SPD) is returning from the town hall after two periods (in office since 2008). Christian Hornsteiner, previously a manager of the municipality, was chosen as the successor by the faction leaders of the SPD, CSU and Free Voters. In the 2020 local elections, Hornsteiner will appear on the CSU list.

Oberau: Mayor Peter Imminger (CSU) has governed since 1996. The longest-serving mayor in the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district wants to defend his post in March 2020 and add a fifth term to it. Josef Lohr (Free Voters' Association Oberau), who acts as a candidate, wants to prevent this.

Mittenwald: Adolf Hornsteiner (CSU), the incumbent, has ruled in town since 2008. He will also stand in the election on March 15, 2020. Georg Seitz (free voters) wants to replace Mayor Hornsteiner in office. SPD candidate Enrico Corongiu also throws his hat in the ring.

Wallgau: Who will be the successor to the tired mayor Hansjörg Zahler (CSU) in the 2020 municipal election in Wallgau? So far, Bastian Eiter (Wallgau voters association) has declared his candidacy for office. The Wallau CSU, which still provides the mayor, is missing a mayor candidate. The young employees also start the race without aspirants. Because now it is clear: Hans Zahler, who had been hotly traded, cannot be put up.

Overview of all candidates

Krün: Thomas Schwarzenberger (CSU) has been the mayor since 2002 and would like to add another legislative period. The chances of re-election are very good: Schwarzenberger has so far been the only candidate for the office.

Murnau: incumbent Rolf Beuting (ÖDP / Bürgerforum) was surprisingly elected mayor in 2014. Beuting will apply for a second term in March 2020. Rudolf Utzschneider (independent) competes for the CSU. Two other candidates also threw their hats in the ring: Welf Probst competes in Murnau for the free voters. Phillip Zoepf also wants to become mayor - he is on the "Move More" list. That is not all. Veronika Jones wants to know for the Greens.

How does local politics actually work?

Ohlstadt: The party-free mayor of the Heimgarten village, Christian Scheuerer, has been in office since 2014. So far, he has no fear of competition from an opposing candidate. Scheuerer has already announced that he will apply for a second term.

Schwaigen: incumbent Hubert Mangold (party-free) does it. At the assembly meeting of his recently founded, non-partisan constituency "Independent - connecting - binding", he announced that he would again be available for the office of mayor.

Seehausen: Markus Hörmann (CSU) has been in office since 2008. The mayor wants to run again in March 2020. At the next election, he gets a candidate: Sebastian Trepte wants to run for the FDP, but first has to found a local club.

Großweil: Incumbent Manfred Sporer (CSU village community) has ruled for three terms. He wants to add a fourth one. It will be exciting to see if this happens. With his deputy Frank Bauer (Free Voter Community), he has a competitor that should not be underestimated.

Uffing: Who will succeed the full-time mayor Rupert Wintermeier (WGU)? Three candidates are currently competing in Uffing: City Hall managing director Andreas Weiß (Schöffau) will go into the mayor race as a party-free candidate without his own list. Councilor Dr. Thomas Hartmann competes for the Uffing electoral community. Markus Igler offers the completely new list "WIR für Uffing" as a candidate for mayor. Anton Sternkopf from Schöffau is not satisfied with these three contenders for the executive chair in the town hall. The political newcomer (25) wants to face them.

Eschenlohe: Mayor Anton Kölbl (CSU) has ruled since 2008. He wants to run for the third time in the 2020 local elections. So far it is unclear whether someone wants to candy against him. Already in 2014 he had been the only applicant for the executive chair in the town hall in Eschenlohe.

Spatzenhausen: After the death of city councilor Georg Wagner, Aloisia Gastl was elected mayor in 2017. She is currently the only candidate.

Riegsee: who will succeed Rudolf Kühn? Vice Mayor Ingo Presuhn has rejected a possible application. He would have gone into the election campaign if his councilors had voted for a full-time position. The work cannot be combined with his job at the Murnau building office on a voluntary basis. With Jörg Steinleitner, yes. The author starts. There will be a duel for the town hall throne. Steinleitner will be dealing with the organic farmer and long-standing councilor Georg Miller (Aidling village community).

Oberammergau: A first mayor candidate for 2020 has been determined

Oberammergau: For a long time, not a single applicant for mayor's office in Oberammergau has ventured out of the “hiding place”. Then there was a real surprise at the CSU: Andreas Rödl ran for mayor. Ludwig Utschneider also competes for the non-party voters. Many expected him. The last in the league, the incumbent Arno Nunn (party-free) commented on his future plans. He resigned after two periods. For "valid, personal reasons".

Ettal: incumbent Josef Pössinger - he has been governing since 2008 - has already announced that he will no longer run for the 2020 local elections due to age reasons. Municipal councilor Vanessa Voit has meanwhile announced her fundamental willingness to apply. She would be the first mayor in the history of the Ettal community. So far, she is the only applicant.

Unterammergau: The incumbent mayor Michael Gansler had announced to Leonhardi that he would no longer be available for a term of office. There are now the first applicants: Michael Spindler, deputy CSU local chairman for 20 years and municipal councilor since 2004, wants to become mayor of Unterammergau. Robert Stumpfecker starts the mayor race for the FUZ. He worked for the municipality of Unterammergau for 17 years, including from 2005 to summer 2013 as managing director. Stumpfecker was already running for mayor in the 2014 municipal election and achieved 43.8 percent of the vote against competitor and incumbent Michael Gansler. Since then he has been on the municipal council.

2020 local elections: what are the tasks of the district council?

Saulgrub: It was no different: Rupert Speer has a clear path in his community. Neither from Saulgrub nor from Wurmansau is a candidate for the councilor from Altenau. His work is appreciated by everyone.

Bad Kohlgrub: No new mayor will be elected in the 2020 municipal election in Bad Kohlgrub. After Karl-Heinz Reichert's health-related departure, the citizens elected Franz Degele as the new village head in July 2018.

Bad Bayersoien: Bad Bayersoien has so far had two candidates for the mayor's office in the local elections in March 2020. Office owner Gisela Kieweg (list-free, in office since 2014) and Rupert Haseidl ("Together for our village" / GUD) both declared at a municipal council meeting in early December that they want to compete.


List of rubric lists: © Angelika Warmuth / dpa / Karl-Josef Hildenbrand / dpa

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