The Limited Times

Our power against the virus

3/12/2020, 6:58:37 PM

Covid-19 has given us back a part of our humanity, which is the one that comes with that forgotten vulnerability

The air feels a bit strange, as if it came from a time that we already assumed passed. A time when everyone's lives, well-being and coexistence were a little more fragile. The virus has given us back a part of our humanity, which is what comes with that forgotten vulnerability.


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What do we do with it? How do we handle it in this increasingly rarefied environment? Here is a proposal: imagine a small number in the head of each person. That number represents your risk of dying from Covid-19. It doesn't have to be exact. It can even be a traffic light: green if it is almost null (it hardly affects children seriously, at the moment), yellow if it is low but not zero (the estimated mortality rate among healthy people under 50 or 60 is small, but apparently higher than the flu), red if it is comparatively high (older people or people with serious health problems). He thinks that this indicator also serves to measure the danger that this person is running if at any given moment the health system collapses because the increase in cases caused by the new coronavirus cannot be assumed with the available resources.

That sign on the forehead of each one of us serves to understand not only our vulnerability: also our power, and the responsibility that it carries with respect to the rest of society, especially towards its most exposed segments. Each person has the ability to lower that figure a little, to turn more traffic lights yellow or green, if they act according to epidemiological recommendations: let's wash our hands, don't touch each other or each other, avoid crowds, stay in home if we can (especially if we are sick), let's offer a hand to the neighbors who may need it. That same responsibility is held (even more so) by each individual or institution that can make decisions that help implement this type of behavior: governments, and also companies, universities, schools, foundations, clubs, music groups, bars.

Let's take advantage of the sudden revelation of that individual and collective vulnerability, which logically scares us, to get a little closer. In short: let's try to reduce the risk of others, not just ours, because that will be the only way in which we will make everyone's fragility go down a little every day. @jorgegalindo

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