The Limited Times

[New Crown Pneumonia] Trump Announces U.S. Emergency, Says Virus Test

3/13/2020, 8:49:20 PM

Trump said on March 13

Instant international

Written by: Zhang Zijie

2020-03-14 03:34

Last updated: 2020-03-14 04:38

US President Donald Trump announced on March 13 that the United States has officially entered a state of emergency in response to a new pneumonia epidemic and has invested $ 50 billion in the epidemic.

Trump said that an announcement of a state of emergency could allocate $ 50 billion to the state and local governments to fight the epidemic and order hospitals to implement preparatory measures. He pointed out that the next eight weeks will be a crucial period for the epidemic, and people will need to sacrifice for long-term interests.

He said the emergency order could promote local telemedicine, and that the Minister of Health would give greater power to flexibly exempt some legislation, such as temporarily exempting some medical staff from practicing requirements.

Trump has called for unnecessary people not to be tested for the virus. He expects that about 500,000 sets of test reagents should be available as early as next week. Google also said that a web page will be set up to help people determine whether they need to be tested.

In addition, he ordered the Department of Energy to increase its strategic oil reserves while exempting all federal government borrowing interest.

Regarding Brazil ’s President Jair Bolsonaro ’s press secretary Fábio Wajngarten, who was diagnosed with Trump earlier, Trump said he had no symptoms, but may be tested, and Welcoming Bolsonaro has not been infected.

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