The Limited Times

Corona virus: "Vaccines are science fiction" - a virologist speaks of a natural disaster

3/13/2020, 5:52:20 AM

The corona virus has now claimed hundreds of lives. A researcher warned that a vaccine would not come in time.

The corona virus has now claimed hundreds of lives. A researcher warned that a vaccine would not come in time.

  • A new type of lung disease is causing hundreds of deaths.
  • The Coronavirus * first appeared in China, and people in Germany have already been infected.
  • A vaccine that can be used is not expected for the time being.

Update from March 11, 5:27 p.m .: The first company worldwide with a vaccine candidate can already go into the decisive phase of the tests, said Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) at a press conference. But how long this phase lasts is open - it cannot therefore commit itself to a schedule. Germany is involved in the development of the vaccine through the international initiative CEPI and you can already build on a lot of experience with good SARS viruses .

Update from March 11, 4:37 p.m .: Alexander Droste, virologist at the Charité in Berlin, said today in the NDR podcast: If nothing is done and events are not consistently canceled, then you might run into a situation similar to that in Italy .

"We have a natural disaster here that is happening in slow motion." People in offices would have to act quickly, economic damage from canceled events would have to be compensated for somehow. Because he has no illusions "vaccines are science fiction" .

Update of March 11, 12:39 p.m .: Klaus Citchutek, President of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, told Bayern2-radioWelt that the first clinical tests for a vaccine against the coronavirus should take place in March in the USA . A total of 35 developers from universities and industries are currently working on the development of a vaccine - "in full swing," said the expert. In Germany, the first tests can only be expected from autumn.

Read also: Coronavirus - Why Germany could threaten "Italian conditions" in a short time

Coronavirus: vaccines must be tested

March 6 update: There are vaccine candidates against the coronavirus, said Lothar Wieler, head of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) at a press conference on Friday. But these substances would have to be tested. Such a process takes months, Wieler emphasized. Therefore, the use of a vaccine should not be expected before 2021. "The vaccine should not only help, it must not do any harm."

In Germany, Bavaria *, along with the Coronavirus stronghold of North Rhine-Westphalia, is most affected. This is the current situation in Upper Bavaria *. The Tagesschau gets to the bottom of a piquant question: don't private clinics admit corona patients?

Update of March 5: Donald Trump recently not only said that the virus disappears as the temperature rises in April, but asked a panel of experts whether normal flu vaccinations would not help Corona as well.

Meanwhile, German scientists may have found a potential drug against the coronavirus.

Read also: The corona virus has also reached the Upper Bavarian district of Freising. There are now over 50 infected people. All information here in the Coronavirus ticker.

Corona virus: Green light for first tests in the USA

March 3 update: In the US, the green light is given for the first clinical tests of a potential coronavirus vaccine . Health Minister Alex Azar confirmed Tuesday after visiting the National Health Institute in Bethesda with U.S. President Donald Trump and the director of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci.

Fauci emphasized that this would not change the current schedule for a possible vaccine . "The whole process will take at least a year or a year and a half." Fauci had assumed this time frame from the start. Several laboratories worldwide are currently researching vaccines against Covid-19.

Read also: Dr. Sabine Kurz, a doctor in a group practice in Aying near Munich, is infected with the corona virus. The practice was closed. An interview with the infected. Germany expects more and more people to be infected by the corona virus. But the mortality rate is far behind other countries - such as Italy. *

Coronavirus: gloomy prognosis for Covid 19 vaccine - but "no end of the world"

Update of February 28: The chairman of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, expects a vaccine against the new coronavirus in the coming year at the earliest - but warns of panic. “In a few years we will be living with another flu-like illness called Covid-19 that we can vaccinate against. Now it is time to manage the transition, ”Montgomery told the Passauer Neue Presse. The technique of vaccine extraction and approval takes at least one year. "In a favorable case, we will have a vaccine next year."

Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) is right when he says that Germany is on the brink of an epidemic, said Montgomery. Research results from Hamburg, however, indicated that the virus is weakening. “It is now correct, wherever possible, to find the starting point of the infection and to carry out quarantine measures in limited areas. Isolation stations in the clinics have to be created at high pressure, ”Montgomery said.

Restricted towns only made sense "if traffic connections can be easily delimited in villages or small towns," said the head of the World Medical Association. “Above all, we have to stop panicking. The virus can lead to serious illnesses in some people. In over 80 percent, however, it only leads to symptoms similar to colds. But this is not the end of the world. "

In the meantime, people in Germany are also starting to buy hamsters and hoarding food.

Experts recommend these foods in the event of a disaster.

The fear of the corona virus has also reached the Chancellery. This shows a scene that took place between Merkel and Seehofer.

Health Minister warns of coronavirus in Germany

February 26 update: Health Minister Jens Spahn's forecast is anything but rosy. "We are at the beginning of an epidemic," he warns.

February 7 update: The corona virus has now claimed 636 lives in China - a cure for the dangerous lung disease is not yet in sight. In an interview with Der Spiegel, Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust foundation, warned emphatically that the virus would not disappear after a short time like the previous lung disease SARS. Instead, it is possible that the coronavirus, which spreads much faster than SARS, remains a constant threat like the flu.

According to the British disease expert, it is likely that a vaccine against the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV will not come in time. He believes that the global spread of the disease can no longer be prevented "and if we are unlucky, it will never succeed," the researcher said in an interview.

Coronavirus drug found? China reports "breakthrough" - WHO immediately disagrees

Update from February 5, 3:21 pm: More than 24,000 people in China are now infected with the corona virus. In addition, there are at least 180 cases outside the country, most recently on a cruise ship off Japan. Contrary to reports to the contrary, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) has now confirmed that there is still no medicine for the disease. Even more: According to the daily news, a WHO spokesman in Geneva said that there is "no known effective therapy" against the coronavirus .

A Chinese TV station previously reported that university researchers had found an effective drug against the virus . As a result, a "breakthrough" had been reported at the English broadcaster Sky - News . The WHO now contradicted this.

According to information from Russia, it would also be some time before an antidote to the coronavirus was available. "It takes at least eight to ten months for a vaccine; we are still in the initial phase without clinical tests," the daily news quotes the Russian health minister Mikhail Muraschko.

Meanwhile, German virologists made a disturbing discovery regarding the transmission of the coronavirus. In addition, an initial assumption turned out to be wrong.

Q: How dangerous is the # 2019nCoV?

- World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) February 4, 2020

Coronavirus: antidote found? Unusual drug cocktail is said to have cured woman

Update from February 2, 5.42 p.m .: Is this finally the breakthrough in trying to cure the corona virus ? Thai authorities reported on Sunday that the virus was successfully treated. The picture reports about it . According to this, a woman from China infected with the coronavirus was treated with a mixture of flu and HIV drugs . The condition of the woman has improved drastically as a result. The virus was then no longer detectable within 48 hours after the drug cocktail was given.

The woman was administered a mixture of the active ingredients used in HIV diseases ritonavir and lopinavir, as well as the flu drug oseltamivir, the report said, referring to the Thai Ministry of Health in Bangkok.

The Chinese government is now under attack due to shortcomings in handling and initial cover-up related to the corona virus. After the death of a doctor who had warned in December, China is now launching a coronavirus crisis management investigation.

Coronavirus remedies: researchers report breakthrough - virus isolated

Update from February 2, 5:05 pm: Italian researchers have isolated the corona virus according to media reports. “This is important news internationally. It means there are more ways to understand and study it to contain it, ”said Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza on Sunday. The results of the scientists from the National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani in Rome would be made available to the international community for further research.

Video: What we know about the corona virus

The special institute in Rome also carries out investigations in the event of a suspected corona in Italy. There are two confirmed cases of Chinese tourists in the Mediterranean country who are infected with the virus from their home country. The researchers themselves said the Ansa news agency said they could have isolated the virus for the two patients less than 48 hours after diagnosis. Australian researchers had already bred the corona virus in the laboratory a few days ago.

Coronavirus Vaccination: Researchers Report "Breakthrough" - Anti-Ebola Drugs As A Rescue?

Update from February 2, 11:52 a.m .: The novel corona virus behind the lung disease from China could be spread through the digestive system in addition to droplet infection. Chinese researchers have also found the virus in stool and rectal swabs after finding that some patients have diarrhea instead of the usual fever, the Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday.

Update from February 1, 7:59 p.m .: Another case of coronavirus infection in Germany has now been confirmed. It is said that the sick person is an employee of the Webasto company who lives in Munich.

Update of January 31, 2020, 9:16 p.m .: An anti-Ebola agent developed by the pharmaceutical company Gilead could bring a breakthrough for the fight against the corona virus . The drug is said to have been shown to be effective in animal experiments against the pathogen of SARS , which has similarities to the currently spreading virus .

In cooperation with the Chinese health authorities , the drug will be made available to a small group of infected people, as reported by

Coronavirus vaccination: Health insurance companies cover the costs of a rapid test

Update from January 31, 2020, 7:16 p.m .: If you want to know if you have the corona virus , you can have a test done. As the Ministry of Health announced today, this will also be paid by the health insurance. The regulation would come into effect on Saturday, February 1st. Likewise, there is also an extended reporting obligation with regard to the virus. Suspected cases of the corona virus must now be reported, and not as previously only confirmed cases.

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) emphasized that the costs of tests are only borne by those patients who, according to the Robert Koch Institute, belong to the risk group. The criteria include a recent stay in China and symptoms of lung disease .

Coronavirus vaccination: Researchers are looking for a vaccine around the world

Update of January 31, 2020, 12:31 p.m .: The Tübingen biotech company CureVac should play a leading role in the search for a vaccine against the coronavirus. The company receives additional funds for this. Through the international vaccine initiative CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), in which Germany is also involved, CureVac will receive $ 8.3 million "for accelerated vaccine development and production as well as clinical studies" , it said on Friday in a joint message from both sides and the Federal Ministry of Research in Berlin.

"We are currently developing a vaccine that could be quickly tested in human clinical trials after successful preclinical studies," said CureVac board member Mariola Fotin-Mleczek on Friday. This should succeed within 16 weeks. “The corona virus worries many people these days. The development of a vaccine is an extremely important contribution to contain the disease, ”said Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU).

Research institutes around the world are looking intensively for a vaccine against the new corona virus. Several scientists are also working on this in Germany, for example at the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF). Stephan Becker, Director of the Virology Institute at Philipps University Marburg and coordinator of the emerging infectious diseases research department at the DZIF, estimates that it takes at least a year until it is clear whether a remedy works and is safe.

Meanwhile, the corona virus broke the transfer of a cult kicker on Deadline Day.

Coronavirus antidote: Researchers reported "breakthrough" - but experts have bad news

Update of January 31, 2020, 12:05 p.m .: Five infected people in Germany , almost 9,700 infected people in China . The number of people suffering from coronavirus is increasing rapidly. Although researchers have already made some progress in developing a possible vaccine, the use of such a vaccine could be a long time coming.

As the Chinese epidemiologist Li Lanjun told Xinhua, a waiting period of around three months must be expected.

Coronavirus cure: researchers report “breakthrough” in antidotes

Update of January 29, 2020, 11.50 a.m .: Australian researchers have made a breakthrough in the corona virus. You are already working on an antidote. But even without a cure , the mortality rate will "certainly continue to decrease" thanks to life-sustaining devices and the efforts of medical personnel. The renowned Chinese scientist Zhong Nanshan said.

In Germany, however, alternative healing methods against the virus are also recommended. The website explains that the founder of homeopathy , Samuel Hahnemann, had already successfully treated epidemics and pandemics. The blog reports that even the Indian Ministry of Health recommends Ayush to prevent the coronavirus homeopathy.

On Twitter, opponents of homeopathy criticize the recommendation of alternative remedies. The Twitter account "Homeopathy harms!" Writes about a repost by a supposed doctor who recommends homeopathic remedies: "Homeopathy for #Coronavirus? In case someone actually questioned the hubris of the homeopath. Look at @jensspahn. Is that 'so okay'? "


Coronavirus: Researchers achieve “major breakthrough” - new hope for patients

First message from January 29, 2020: Canberra - The corona virus has now received worldwide attention. The new type of lung disease from China has now claimed more than 100 lives, while the number of infected people is increasing rapidly.

Corona virus: Scientists achieve breakthrough in Australia

There have also been confirmed cases of corona virus in Germany. In Starnberg, Upper Bavaria, a man has become infected; a total of four people in Bavaria * now carry the corona virus.

But now there is hope for all patients: Australian scientists have bred the deadly corona virus in the laboratory . This was announced by the Peter Doherty Institute for Infections and Immunity in Melbourne on Wednesday.

Researchers successfully breed corona virus

The virus was taken from an infected patient and successfully bred. An antidote can now be worked on in cooperation with other institutes and the World Health Organization WHO. Julian Druce, head of the virus laboratory, spoke of a "major breakthrough".

Doherty Institute scientists first to grow and share novel #coronavirus. Announcement here: @UniMelbMDHS @TheRMH @uommedia

- Doherty Institute (@TheDohertyInst) January 28, 2020

What are the symptoms * and how do you get infected *? We have put together more information for you.

The corona virus is currently also seriously affecting cruises. Many cruises are canceled. Other lines refuse to do so.

The corona virus has arrived in the state capital. Four cases are known. Many citizens are now afraid ( *). As reported by * , the first people in Schleswig-Holstein were isolated by the corona virus .

The fear of the corona virus continues to spread. A taxi driver even threw a coughing passenger out of the car. The video showed the escalation in the car.

The number of Bavarians infected with the corona virus is increasing: two more cases were confirmed at the weekend. But there is also good news. ( *)

An Instagram video with a possible corona virus background irritates many viewers.

The situation in Italy after the Corona outbreak remains very serious. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has now classified a region as a risk area.

The Webasto company has decided to remain closed until February 11th. Local gastronomy in Stockdorf feels the lack of about a thousand employees enormously.

The corona virus has been in the headlines worldwide for weeks. Now the fear of a rapid spread is spreading in Italy. The conditions are already dramatic. Austria even stopped rail traffic to the neighboring country * for fear of the corona virus. The corona virus has also arrived in Baden-Württemberg. The RKI has added the Alsace region adjacent to Baden-Württemberg as a risk area.

* / / are part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network

akl / dpa

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